SmartClassroom Wednesday March 1 2006
Frank Tansey and Steve Acker, co-editors
Meeting the Accountability Challenge
by Implementing a Campus-Wide ePortfolio
By Neal W. Topp
University of Nebraska at Omaha
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), a state-supported
campus in the University of Nebraska system with 15,000
students, has begun a campus-wide ePortfolio initiative.
The project is spearheaded by faculty, staff, and administration,
and includes all colleges, the Vice Chancellor's office, and the
Information Technology Services division. Currently, more than
2,000 students populate several types of student ePortfolios,
and more than 400 faculty members are building ePortfolios to
be used in their annual review process. Our goal is to include
all faculty by the 2007 annual review. The faculty ePortfolio
implementation will give our instructors valuable first-hand
experience and will help them understand the potential of
student ePortfolios.
News & Product Updates
Tech-savvy Students Stuck in Text-Dominated Schools
Tech-savvy students stuck in text-dominated schools
featured on the education|evolving website provides
up-to-date information on the attitudes, competencies
and perceptions of the high school graduates entering
our colleges and universities. (education/evolving) Read more.
No College Left Behind?
No college left behind? at Inside Higher Ed is a provocative
read for all involved in using technology in higher education.
We must consider whether multiple modes of representing student
learning offer a credible response to the growing interest in
extending standardized tests to higher education. (Inside Higher Ed)
Read more
'Digital Ecosystem' at Carnegie Mellon
Jared Cohon, Carnegie Mellon's president, and J'el Smith, Carnegie
Mellon's vice provost and chief information officer, describe the
management imperative for the 'Digital Ecosystem,' a heterogeneous
and interdependent campus environment. (Issues Online) Read
Case Study
Video Conferencing and Music Performance Education:
Around the world with the Manhattan School of Music
By Christianne Orto
Manhattan School of Music
Distance learning in music education, how is this
possible? Skeptics wonder if videoconferencing technology can capture superior
sound quality or has the necessary clarity for tracking minute movements during
performance. The surprising answer: Yes, to both.
Tech Notes
IT Struggles with Climate Change
Gary Anthes describes the work of climatologists in a
|recent issue of Computerworld. The immensity of the
datasets that underlie global change simulations need
computers with 25 times the computational capacity of
those currently in use. The article points to the promise
and the challenges facing our Supercomputer infrastructure.
Read more
Reader Response
From the Reader Response Forum
Creating the Classroom of Tomorrow
Posted by: jmoney
Exchange ideas on the latest enterprise technologies and discuss the
dilemmas of implementation and budget issues.