Universities Adopt Kuali Open Source ERP Solution

At Kuali Days VII, rSmart announced several agreements for 2008 aimed at helping colleges and universities implement Kuali's open source enterprise solutions.Services provided by the company include planning, evaluation,prototyping, implementation, and adoption, as well as ongoing supportonce the systems are deployed.

Schools contracting with rSmartinclude Boston University, Georgetown University, Naval PostgraduateSchool, Research Foundation for CUNY, St. Lawrence University, andUniversity of Connecticut. The company also announced implementationsof Kuali Financial System (KFS) at Colorado State University,University of Arizona, San Joaquin Delta College, and University ofHawaii.

"We are gratified to be working with so manyforward-looking institutions that are blazing new trails for theeducation industry and are contributing to Kuali's growth," says ChrisCoppola, President of rSmart, in a prepared statement. "With severalKFS implementations going live next year, we are indeed on the cusp ofa significant milestone for open source enterprise applications inhigher education."

According to rSmart, adoption of Kuali's opensource solutions is expected to help universities reduce costsassociated with administrative computing.

About the Author

Chris Riedel is a freelance writer based in Illinois. He can be reached here.
