November 2010

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Dynamic Displays - Digital signage solutions can engage students and streamline information delivery on campus. Click here for a look at eight of the latest products on the market.

Cover Story

21st Century Classroom

Build It Before They Come

Creating a full-scale mock-up of a new classroom can help faculty better understand their needs and help design teams avoid costly mistakes.

By Michael David Leiboff

Technology Roundtable

The Future of Content is an Open Book

Three open source veterans discuss the implications for open content in higher education.

IT and the Library

Library/IT Relations: Down the Hatch

As centralized information technology departments swallow up library IT, the question for many universities becomes: How do you get the best value out of realigned organizations?

By Dian Schaffhauser


Mobile Learning

Mobile Learning on Campus: Balancing on the Cutting Edge

Universities that roll out campuswide mobile initiatives say they are sending a message that they are unafraid to experiment with technology.

By David Raths


Community Colleges

Using Technology to Help STEM Take Root

Community colleges are using cutting-edge technologies to train new cadres of classroom teachers in innovative math and science practices.

By Susan McLester

In This Issue


A Growth Spurt of Wireless and Bandwidth

A recent survey of private colleges suggests that these schools are rapidly deploying wireless networks and increasing bandwidth on their campuses.




Collaboration 2.0

Working together improves a product, whether it’s a dissertation or a magazine.