Educational Discounts

The following education prices were obtained from the companies listed. Syllabus Press cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or changes. Please verify the information directly with the companies using the phone numbers provided.

Adobe Systems Inc.
(800) 521-1976

Product Education
Adobe Single-user Education Products
Adobe PageMaker 6.01 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $199.00
Adobe PageMaker 5.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $199.00
Adobe FrameMaker for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $279.00
Adobe FrameMaker for Unix Personal $399.00
Adobe FrameMaker & SGML for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $449.00
Adobe FrameMaker & SGML for Unix Personal $599.00
Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $279.00
Adobe Illustrator 6.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $149.00
Adobe Illustrator 4.0 for Windows $149.00
Adobe Persuasion 3.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $99.00
Adobe Premiere 4.2 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $279.00
Adobe After Effects 3.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $279.00
Adobe Fetch 1.2 for Macintosh, Network Version $125.00
Adobe Fetch 1.2 for Macintosh, Single-user Version $79.00
Adobe Streamline 3.1 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $99.00
Adobe Dimensions 2.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $99.00
Adobe Gallery Effects v1.5.2, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $75.00
Adobe PageMill for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $79.00
Adobe SiteMill for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $199.00
Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.1 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $49.00
Adobe Acrobat Pro 2.1 w/Catalog or Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $149.00
Adobe Acrobat Capture 1.0.1 for Windows $279.00
Adobe PhotoDeluxe 1.0 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $89.99
Adobe Art Explorer 1.0 for Macintosh $29.00
Adobe SuperPaint 3.5 for Macintosh $49.00
Adobe SuperPaint Deluxe for Macintosh $69.00
Adobe Home Publisher for Macintosh $49.00
Multi-User and Instructional Products
Adobe PageMaker 6.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOXt (10-user) Macintosh or Windows, Int. or Adv. $995.00
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOXt (10-user) Macintosh or Windows, Int. or Adv. $995.00
Adobe Illustrator 6.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOXt (10-user) Macintosh $895.00
Adobe Illustrator 4.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOX (10-user) Windows $495.00
Adobe Premiere 4.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOX (10-user) Macintosh or Windows $895.00
Adobe After Effects 3.0 CLASSROOM IN A BOX (10-user) Macintosh $995.00
Adobe Acrobat for Workgroups 2.1 for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $399.00
Adobe FrameMaker for Unix Shared $778.00
Adobe FrameMaker & SGML for Unix Shared $1199.00
Discovering Adobe Acrobat #2 (10-user) $195.00
Electronic Publishing Adobe Acrobat (10-user) $295.00
Adobe PageMaker 5.0 Lab Pack (5-user) for Power Macintosh and Macintosh or Windows $450.00
Discover Adobe PageMaker 5.0 (courseware only) for Macintosh or Windows $275.00
Persuasion 3.02 Discover in A Box (10-user) for Power Macintosh and Macintosh $495.00
Adobe Persuasion 3.02 Lab Pack (5-user) for Windows $225.00
Adobe Fetch 1.2 Network Version Lab Pack (5-user) for Macintosh $375.00
Adobe Art Explorer Deluxe CD Educational 5 Pack $110.00
Adobe Art Explorer Deluxe CD Educational10 Pack $195.00
Adobe SuperPaint Deluxe 3.5 Educational 5 Pack Liscence $252.00
Adobe SuperPaint Deluxe 3.5 Educational10 Pack Liscence $455.00
Adobe SuperPaint Deluxe 3.5 Educational 50 Pack Liscence $1050.00
Adobe PageMill v1.0 Lab Pack (10-Use) $499.00
Type Products
Adobe Type Manager for Macintosh and Windows $39.00
Adobe Super ATM $49.00
Adobe Type On Call $49.00
Adobe Type Basics $89.00
Adobe Type Reunion $29.00
Adobe Type Set Value Pack $39.00
Adobe Type Library $49.00-$149.00
Adobe Wild Type $39.00
Adobe TypeAlign 2.1 for Windows $49.00
Adobe TypeTwister 1.0 for Macintosh and Windows $29.00

Allegiant Technologies Inc., (619) 587-0500

Product List Price Education
SuperCard 2.5 $749 $249

askSam Systems (800) 800-1997

Product List Price Education
askSam 3.0 (Windows) $149.95 $99.95
askSam 5.1 (DOS) $395.95 $99.95
askSam Professional (Windows) $295
askSam Network Version (5-user) $1,495 $1,250.75
askSam Electronic Publisher (Win) $1,495
OCR Module for askSam (Win) $99
Quotes On Line (DOS) $89 $49.95

(through Academic Distributing, (800) 531-3227)

Product List Price Education
AutoCAD Level 1
Professional Training Kit $295
3D Studio 2.0 $195
Animator Pro, DOS $795 $195
AutoCAD LT, Windows $495 $395
AutoCAD LT, Windows Lab Pack $1,185
AutoCAD LT, Windows CD $495 $395
AutoCAD LT, Windows CD Lab Pack $1,185
AutoCAD LT Training Manual $49.95 $49
AutoCAD Simulator R12 $149 $74.50
AutoCAD Simulator R12 Lab Pack $223
AutoSketch 2, Windows $299 $179
AutoSketch 2, Windows Lab Pack $538
AutoSketch 2, Windows CD $299 $149
AutoSketch 2, Windows CD Lab Pack $447

(408) 439-1072

Product List Price Education
Delphi for Windows $199.95 $89.95
Delphi for Windows / Academic License Pack (10 users) $400
Delphi Client/Server $1,995 $995
Borland C++ and Database Tools(CD-ROM) $695 $249.95
Borland C++ 4.5 (CD-ROM) $495 $129.95
Borland C++ 4.5 (disks) $495 $139.95
Borland C++ 4.5 / Academic License Pack (10 users) $400
Borland C++ 2.0 for OS/2 (CD-ROM) $495 $129.95
Turbo C++ 4.5 for Windows / Academic License Pack (10 users) $250
Turbo C++ Visual Edition for Windows $199.95 $59.95
Turbo C++ Visual Edition for Windows / Academic License Pack (10 users) $250
Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS $99.95 $49.95
Turbo C++ / Academic License Pack (10 users) $250
Turbo Pascal 1.5 for Windows $149.95 $59.95
Turbo Pascal 1.5 for Windows / Academic License Pack (10 users) $250
Borland Turbo Assembler 4.0 $99.95 $49.95
Borland Visual Solutions Pack 1.1 $99.95 $49.95
BRIEF 3.1 $99.95 $69.95

Creation Engine (800) 431-8713

Autodesk Products:
Product List Price Education
Animator Pro DOS $795 $375
AutoCad LT R2 Win $495 $375
AutoSketch 2 Win $299 $179
lab pack $499
AutoSketch 2 Win CD $299 $149
lab pack $499
Gold Disk Products:
AddImpact! Win $150 $49
10-pack $195
Animation Works Win $100 $59
10-pack $325
Animation Works Mac $200 $89
10-pack $425
Animation Works Interactive Win $495 $150
10-pack $425
Astound Mac or Win $400 $99
10-pack $599
VideoDirector Win or Mac $200 $99
10-pack $295
Radius Products:
QuickFLIX 1.1 Mac $99 $85
Spigot Power AV Mac $999 $849
SpigotPro AV Mac $1,349 $1,299
Spigot II Tape Mac $849 $679
VideoFusion 1.6 Mac/PMac $649 $375
VideoVision Studio 2.0 Mac $4,849 $3,749
VideoVision Studio 2.0 Pro Pak Mac $11,898 $8,479

(through Academic Distributing, (800) 531-3227)

Product List Price Education
DeBabelizer Toolbox, Macintosh $399 $239.95
DeBabelizer Lite, Macintosh $129 $79

Interactive Image Technologies, (800) 263-5552

Product List Price Education
Electronics Workbench Version 4 $299
Electronics Workbench Version 4, Student Edition $79

Fortner Research (800) 252-6479

Product List Price Education
LS FORTRAN 1.0 for PowerMac $695 $475
LS FORTRAN 3.3 for Macintosh $495 $375
LS FORTRAN Corporate 5-Pack $2,095
LS FORTRAN Education Lab Pack (5-user) $750
LS FORTRAN Student for Power Mac $199
LS FORTRAN 68K Student $49

Leader Technologies
(through Academic Distributing, (800) 531-3227)

Product List Price Education
PowerMerge 2.0 Mac $129 $69
PowerMerge 2.0 Mac 10-pack $535
PowerMerge 2.0 Mac 100-pack $2,691
PowerMerge Manuals $15

(through Academic Distributing, (800) 531-3227)

Product List Price Education
Macromedia Showcase CD $10
Director Multimedia Studio: Director, MacroModelMan, Adobe Premier, SoundEdit 16 $1,195
Director Multimedia Studio: Director, MacroModelMan, Adobe Premier, Sound Forge $1,195
Multimedia Studio with Authorware Pro Upgrade $1,000
Graphic Design Studio, Freehand, MacroModelMan, Fontographer, Fractal Painter $995 $695
Action! Bundle Windows $299 $150
Authorware Multiplatform Pack $7,995 $1,595
Authorware MP Tech Support $949 $712
Life Forms 1.0.1 $495 $248
Life Forms 10-pack, Macintosh $1,238
MacroModel 1.5.2, Macintosh and Power Macintosh $895 $448
MacroModel 1.5 10-pack, Mac $2,238
MacroModel 1.5 + MacRenderman $995 $199
MacroModel 1.5 + MacRenderman, 10-pack $2,488
MacroModel 1.5 + WinRenderman $995 $199
MacroModel 1.5 Windows 10-pack $2,488
ModelShop II-1.2 $495 $248
ModelShop II-1.2, 10-pack $1,238
SoundEdit 16 $379 $189
SoundEdit 16, 10-pack $947
Swivel 3D Pro 2.04 (w/QuickPics) $495 $248
Swivel 3D Pro 2.04, 10-pack $1,238
SwivelMan 2.0.4 (Swivel 3D Pro + MacRenderman) $695 $297.50
Three-D 1.2 $695 $347.50
Three-D 1.2, 10-pack $1,738

direct (415) 626-0554

Product List Price Education
Authorware for Macintosh $4,995 $995
Authorware for Windows $4,995 $995
Authorware Academic $149.95
Director for Macintosh $1,195 $598
Director for Windows $1,195 $598
Action! for Macintosh $199 $99.50
Action! for Windows $199 $99.50
ClipMedia 2 for Macintosh $295 $147.50
ClipMedia 2 for Windows $295 $147.50
ClipMedia 3 for Macintosh $195 $97.50
ClipMedia 3 for Windows $195 $97.50

Macsyma Inc.

Product List Price Education
PC Macsyma 2.0 $399 $329
Student Version $229
Macsyma 2.0, Windows NT $499 $399
Macsyma and PDEase DOS $949 $779
Macsyma HP9000/7XX, 8XX $1,249 $949
Macsyma RS/6000 $1,249 $949
Macsyma 4D/320, 4D/420 $1,249 $949
Macsyma 4D/340, 4D/440 $1,499 $1,149
Macsyma 4D/380, 4D/480 $1,999 $1,499
Macsyma SunOS, Solaris $1,249 $949
PDEase SunOS $1,249 $949

MicroSim Corp.
(800) 245-3022

Product List Price Education
PSpice Basics $979 $294
PSpice A/D Basics+ $2,879 $864
MicroSim Schematics $479 $144

MINITAB Inc. (814) 238-3280

Product List Price Education
MINITAB for Windows $895 $495
MINITAB for DOS $695 $395
MINITAB for Macintosh $695 $395

Mirus Industries Corp. (408) 980-6600

Product List Price Education
call for prices

Onyx Computing, (617) 876-3876

Product List Price Education
Student Prices:
Tree 2D + Tree Libraries $299 $150
Tree Professional + Tree Libraries $845 $250
Academic Prices:
Tree 2D + Tree Libraries $299 $200
Tree Professional + Tree Libraries $845 $420
10 Licenses (Academic Partnership Agreement) $600/yr.

PEMD Education Group
(707) 894-3668

Product List Price Education
World Bank Data CD-ROM $275 $149
Think For Yourself $275 $149

Pierian Spring Software
(through Academic Distributing, (800) 531-3227)

Product List Price Education
Digital Chisel, Mac disks + CD $159.95 $119.95
CDL 1000 CV Link/Digital Chisel Bundle, Macintosh $759 $424
Digital Chisel, 5-user lab, Mac $399.95 $349.95
Digital Chisel, Site Lic., Mac $995
Digital Chisel, Developer Lic., Mac $995 $995
SuperCard 1.7 (scripting for the Chisel) $189 $169.95
SuperCard 1.7, 5-user lab $699 $599.95
Discovery Toolkit, Macintosh, 9-month subscription (Site) $319 $279
Discovery Toolkit, Windows, 9-month subscription (Site) $319 $279

Sun Microsystems Inc.
(415) 960-1300

Product List Price Education
SPARCworks Pro C++ $1,995 $340
ShowME $1,280 $444

Waterloo Maple Software
(800) 267-6583

Product List Price Education
Maple V -MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, Power Macintosh, Linux, NeXT, SCO UNIX, BSDI, Amiga, NEC PC $795 $595
Maple V- Convex C2, C3, DEC Alpha/AXP, DEC VAX, DECstation, HP 9000, IBM RS/6000, Inter-graph, MIPS, SGI, Sun SPARC $1,795 $1,295
Maple V and MathOffice Bundle $899 $699
Expressionist $159 $79
Micr'Expressionist $79 $39

WaveMetrics Inc.
(503) 620-3001

Product List Price Education
IGOR Pro 2.0 $495 $346.50
XOP Toolkit 2.0 $150 $127.50
IGOR Filter Design Lab 1.2 $150 $127.50

Wolfram Research Inc.
(800) 441-MATH

Product List Price Education
Mathematica Mac, DOS, Win Standard $595 $475
Mathematica for Macintosh, Power Macintosh, MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, OS/2 $995 $795
Mathematica for NEXTSTEP for Intel $1,245 $875
Mathematica for NEXTSTEP for HP PA-RISC $1,995 $1,395
Mathematica for Open VMS, DEC OSF/1 AXP, DEC RISC, HP RISC/700 series, IBM RISC System/6000, SGI IRIS, Sun SPARC, Sun Solaris $1,995 $1,395


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