Thwarting the Copycats
- By Linda L. Briggs
- 09/02/08
With the pervasiveness of internet content, paper mill sites, and plain old
student ingenuity (don't they have anything better to do?), academic plagiarism
threatens to spiral out of control. Here's what you can do about it.
With over 1,200 undergrads
in a single introductory biology lab course, Professor Marvin O'Neal has neither the
time nor the resources to check the originality of every weekly report a student turns
in. O'Neal is course director in undergraduate biology at Stony Brook University, a
flagship campus of the State University of New York system. Scanning reports for
authenticity is no simple task-- his huge course is divided into 60 sections, each with
about 24 students and an instructor. All sections cover the same material weekly, so
all 1,200 students have the exact same assignment. With multiple instructors grading
papers, the challenge has been: How to prevent students from different sections, with
different instructors, from turning in the same report?
The outsized class that O'Neal describes isn't unique to Stony Brook-- and neither,
of course, is the issue of student plagiarism. As any instructor knows, the easy availability
of internet content has greatly increased student opportunities for work that is less
than original. Today, the term plagiarism can range in meaning from using an unattributed
phrase or sentence (accidentally or intentionally) to submitting entire purchased
works as one's own. The profusion of online paper mill sites, which offer material that
can be illicitly submitted as a student's work, have heightened what has been an ongoing
battle since long before the internet. But while 25 years ago plagiarism might have
meant two students sitting together copying each other's work or sharing notes from year
to year, plagiarism today tends to make use of paper mill websites or sites such as Wikipedia, and it is greatly facilitated by the ease of finding specific
information through search engines like Google.
Tools for Outsize Classes
TURNITIN'S DATABASES for comparing papers contain some 9 billion pages of internet content, and
in addition to a growing store of textbooks and published material, 10,000 publications that aren't
readily available in cyberspace.
Trying to fight fire with fire, increasing
numbers of schools have turned to technology
for help, creating what amounts
to a boon for anti-plagiarism tool vendors.
At Stony Brook, for instance,
O'Neal is using Blackboard SafeAssign to monitor student
submissions, a hosted service that
Blackboard added to its course management
suite last year. In May, the vendor
said that SafeAssign had already been
used to check the originality of over a
million papers, online.
Similar to its competitor, iParadigms'
well-known Turnitin, SafeAssign works by checking
submitted papers against a number of
sources, including a version of the public
internet itself, along with various
other databases for which Blackboard
has access agreements. In a feature that
Blackboard reps say differentiates SafeAssign from Turnitin, customers can
maintain a separate local database
unique to their institutions, and submit
papers against that, as well.
A year ago, Blackboard took on Turnitin's
huge market share when it
began shipping its own anti-plagiarism
software, SafeAssign, after acquiring
technology from MyDropBox, a small company with
an anti-plagiarism product already on the
market. Beginning with release 8.0 of the
enterprise version of the Blackboard
Learning System, which shipped in January,
a SafeAssign "building block" is preinstalled
with Blackboard at no extra
charge as part of the academic suite
license. Papers submitted to SafeAssign
are checked against sources including a
locally maintained database at each institution,
along with the public internet,
through a Blackboard partnership with Microsoft's Live Search technology. The product also
compares papers to databases of millions
of articles in subscription journals and
other publications, and the global crossinstitutional
reference database in which
users can opt to include their papers.
With Blackboard's SafeAssign, students can
control whether or not their reports are submitted to a global-- as opposed to institutional-- database,
addressing an important privacy issue.
At Stony Brook, O'Neal has included
passages from the course textbook in that
local database, along with all papers submitted
by students in the course currently
and previously. In fact, in his biology
course at Stony Brook, every student
must submit every paper through SafeAssign. The system calculates a "rating"
figure for each paper, according to the
percentage of material it finds already
existing in its databases. A high number
can raise a red flag that the paper includes
a large amount of work that is similar to
other papers or the course textbook.
Since some content may be the same
in paper after paper (the word "introduction"
or the phrase "the heart pumps
blood," for example), the rating is only a
first step. If a paper triggers a sufficiently
high rating, an instructor steps in to
subjectively evaluate whether or not plagiarism
may indeed have been committed. "The instructor has to apply some
subjective determination as to whether
this is academic dishonesty or not,"
O'Neal says. "I help my instructors with
that. I'll say, 'If you think it is academic
dishonesty, come see me and we'll go
through it together.'" To date, no antiplagiarism
product or service is fail-safe,
he explains. "It doesn't tell you whether
[a student] is guilty of academic dishonesty;
it just tells you whether the text he
or she has submitted is similar to text that
other people have submitted."
Still, the reports these new tools generate
can be critical in determining if
illegal replication of content has indeed
occurred. If, for instance, O'Neal and
the section instructor determine that plagiarism
is evident, the SafeAssign report
is submitted to the university's Academic
Judiciary Committee as evidence. The
committee makes the final decision and
metes out the appropriate punishment.
In the case of SafeAssign, the product's
ability to maintain a special database
unique to Stony Brook was
important to O'Neal. The university
also had a subscription to Turnitin when
he began using SafeAssign in fall 2007;
the department had used Turnitin for
two semesters before switching. At that
time, Turnitin followed a model in
which all student papers submitted to it
were automatically added to its massive
database. The vendor now offers users
the option of electing not to have their
papers added to that database, just as
SafeAssign does. However, as of this
writing, Turnitin does not offer the private
database option.
Hey, It's Free
THERE ARE A NUMBER OF FREE anti-plagiarism
search tools available, although they don't offer
the integration with a larger learning management
package, or the many amenities offered by either
Turnitin or SafeAssign (the two formidable solutions
covered in our story). Generally, free products
search the public internet. Some conduct only limited
searches; few will search subscription journals,
private databases, works no longer in the
public internet, or other less-commonly available
works. Some products will compare papers within
a group to each other, to cull out similarities.
- The University of Virginia continues to
offer the free WCopyfinder, which examines
a set of documents-- all papers submitted
by students for one assignment, for example--
and compares them with each other, looking for
matching phrases. It does not search the internet.
- The sort-of-free DOC Cop is a web-based plagiarism detection service
that compares individual reports to each other or
to the internet or both, then prepares a report displaying
the correlations and matches it finds. Free
web comparisons are limited to 75 words, and
two submissions per day. The cost per use is
about $4 per 2,000 words.
- To better understand how to recognize and
combat intellectual dishonesty, instructors (and
students) can visit The site,
which argues that plagiarism detection tools
are only one approach (and one which can be
bypassed by clever students), offers tips on recognizing
"The nice thing about SafeAssign,"
says O'Neal, "is that it keeps those two
[databases] separate. In Blackboard, the
students control whether or not their
reports are submitted to the global
database. I think that's an
important decision for them."
O'Neal and his course instructors
did, however, decide they would
not to allow students to view their
SafeAssign rating after submitting
a paper. This was done to prevent
a student from submitting a
single report multiple times,
checking the SafeAssign rating
each time, and then altering the
report's wording as needed until it
passes muster.
There has been one notable
downside to the use of SafeAssign at Stony Brook, O'Neal
reports: When he first employed
it, the 1,200-plus papers moving
through the program weekly put
such an additional strain on the
university's Blackboard servers
that they had to be upgraded.
The Preventive
Another approach to fighting plagiarism:
Working with students
to understand what is and isn't
acceptable before they make
errors (intentionally or not) and
improperly use material that isn't
theirs. A number of software
products and tools are specifically
designed to act as such a deterrent,
by educating students up
front. Rather than check papers after the
fact, they aim to help institutions teach
students how to do a better job referencing,
citing, and building bibliographies.
Both Turnitin and SafeAssign offer components
to their products that help with
references and citations, but their focus
remains on checking papers against databases
for similarities.
One referencing and teaching tool, Document It,
is widely used in the UK. The tool
was originally created at England's
Northumbria University and now has
been spun off as a product of the independent
company Northumbria Learning, which specializes
in providing plagiarism prevention
and detection products. Created specifically
for university students, Document
It was designed as a reference tool, and
works as a complement to products such
as Turnitin, which Northumbria Learning
also offers. During an online search,
Document It highlights the fields necessary
for each type of citation, while
providing additional help and advice
along the way.
Another example of software
designed for clearly tracking references
and citations is PaperToolsPro, a web-based, lowcost
referencing tool that is available as a
download for Mac users, or online for
anyone (one to five PaperToolsPro licenses
cost $55). According to Nathan Harbacek, who used the software throughout
his undergraduate years at Princeton
University (NJ), the program was highly
useful for tracking sources efficiently
during research. PaperToolsPro is particularly
helpful for citing and sourcing, he
claims, because it lets users make notecards
that clearly track information back
to the original source. Harbacek found
PaperToolsPro to be an effective antiplagiarism
tool because "I knew exactly
where my sources came from. I had a
very clear record."
One notable downside to the use of SafeAssign: At Stony
Brook University, the 1,200-plus papers moving through
the program weekly put such an additional strain on the
university's Blackboard servers, they had to be upgraded.
The 800-Pound Gorilla
iParadigms' Turnitin is the most widely
used online anti-plagiarism tool by far,
with over 6,500 institutions worldwide,
including both secondary schools and
higher education institutions, utilizing
the web-based product in some manner.
According to company spokespeople, as
of July 2008, Turnitin boasts over 60
million student papers in its database.
That database represents strength for
the company, but possibly a vulnerability,
too: Press coverage last year focused
on a lawsuit in which four high school
students argued that the product's
archived database of papers
violated the students' copyrights.
At the heart of the
issue was the huge database
Turnitin maintains, essentially
consisting of all student
work previously submitted to
the company for originality
verification. Earlier this year,
before the case reached trial, a
judge found that Turnitin's use
of student work falls under
fair use rulings-- a highly
favorable finding for iParadigms.
The company has
ceased requiring, however,
that any paper that is checked
for originality must also be included in
Turnitin's database.
More Anti-Plagiarism Tools and Resources
Not ready to shell out for the big guns? Add some of these to your anti-plagiarism arsenal:
- Big List at Blackboard. Although a few links are out of date, Blackboard maintains a useful list of anti-plagiarism sites. Links to a variety of software products for
detecting plagiarism are included.
- Head to the British Isles. Northumbria University's (UK) third annual conference on combating
plagiarism was held in June.Watch the site for information
about next year's event, or head to the Northumbria Learning website to learn about additional resources in the UK and worldwide.
As before, Turnitin uses several databases
for comparing papers, including
previously submitted content plus some
9 billion pages of internet content (live
and archived pages), along with a database
of some 10,000 publications such
as newspapers, magazines, and scholarly
journals that aren't readily available
on the public internet, if at all. In a deal
with publishers announced earlier this
year, Turnitin will be adding a growing
store of textbooks and other published
material to its databases, too.
As with SafeAssign, papers can be
submitted in most popular formats,
including Microsoft Word, Corel's
WordPerfect, PDF, and
RTF. Turnitin works with all leading
course management systems, including
Blackboard and its WebCT system, Moodle, Sakai, and Angel. As part of its Digital
Assessment Suite, Turnitin also offers
the digital grading and tracking components
GradeMark and GradeBook, which
let instructors grade papers and assign
and track grades online. A new version of
Turnitin is in beta and will be available in
September, the company says.
Carry a Big Stick
Intellectual dishonesty has long existed
in academia at some level, and institutions
have battled it on various fronts.
Unfortunately, the internet's ready
access to material that can be easily purchased
or quickly copied has upped the
ante for colleges and universities. As
with antivirus software, vendors have
now risen to the challenge with targeted,
sophisticated products to combat the
problem. Educating students about
properly using and citing sources certainly
helps, as does offering them tools
to make the task easier. That's seldom
enough, however, but as many schools
have found, even the knowledge that the
institution employs software that checks
student work for originality can act as a
very effective deterrent.
Probing for Plagiarism in the Virtual
Plagiarism: IT-Enabled Tools for