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Arizona State U Surpasses 10 MW Solar Capacity

Arizona State University has surpassed 10 megawatts of solar energy capacity with multiple installations on two of its four campuses.

U Louisville Research Cluster Capacity with 194 IBM iDataPlex Nodes

Two and a half years after implementing a new high performance computing cluster to accommodate research on campus, the University of Louisville maxed out its capacity. Last week the university announced that it had gone online with new gear from IBM that will double its research computing power.

U Houston Looks To Save Money, Improve Air Quality with HVAC Optimization

The University of Houston is developing a ventilation optimization program to improve air quality and energy efficiency in its new health and biomedical science center.

Harvard Reduces Emissions, Costs With 50 LEED Certifications

Harvard University has achieved its 50th LEED certification as part of an institution-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30 percent below 2006 levels by 2016.

Nation's Universities Rally To Open High-Speed Networks in Their Towns

A marching bandful of research universities has signed on to launch a new high speed network project expected to improve computing not only on their campuses but also in the communities that surround them. The hope is that these "world leading" networks will help grow the local economies and stimulate new innovations in areas such as healthcare, job training, and education.

Chicago Art Institute Moves to Gigabit Wireless Network

To accommodate growing demand for bandwidth, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago has upgraded its campus network that uses gigabit wireless technology.

Texas College System Builds Private Cloud

A college system in Houston, TX has begun seeing big returns on its three-year long construction of a private cloud infrastructure to expedite delivery of IT services to its 62,000 students and 4,800 employees.

U Pittsburgh Ups Research Capacity with Linux Cluster Named Frank

The University of Pittsburgh has expanded its high performance computing resources used by researchers across campus.

UK's Somerville College WiFi Expands Campuswide

Oxford University's Somerville College reported it's on track to become the first college in the Oxford system to blanket its campus with wireless networking.

Aerohive Networks Intros Indoor and Outdoor Mesh-Capable APs

Aerohive Networks, which makes wireless networking hardware for K-12 and higher education, has debuted three new 802.11n access points for indoor and outdoor use in extreme temperature ranges.