Mobile Computing Articles

Welcome to Campus Technology's article listing page for mobile computing in higher education institutions.

college student working on computer

Survey: Students Choosing Online Programs Closer to Home

In spite of the notion that students could conceivably take online courses from an institution anywhere in the world, two-thirds stick close to home — choosing a college or university within 50 miles of where they live, according to an annual survey of online students done by Wiley company Learning House.

closeup of hands typing at desktop computer

Survey: Most Students Work on a PC in College but Prefer Macs in the Workplace

A majority of students prefer Apple's Mac and view organizations that offer Mac computers as more modern and desirable places to work. That's the primary finding in a survey sponsored by Jamf, which produces software specifically for managing Apple devices.

5G to Bring About Resurgence in Smart Phone Growth

Smart phones will continue to decline for the third straight year in 2019, but the advent of 5G will help propel mobile device growth at least through 2023, according to a new market forecast.

Wearable devices will continue to see healthy growth over the next five years, driven by new use cases, new devices and the rise of smart assistants.

Smart Assistants Helping to Drive Growth of Wearables

Wearable devices will continue to see healthy growth over the next five years, driven by new use cases, new devices and the rise of smart assistants.

augmented reality

SUNY Orange to Augment Student Experience with AR App

Orange County Community College, part of the State University of New York system, is rolling out an augmented reality campaign aimed at engaging new and returning students. The institution is working with Imagination Park to implement XenoPlay, a mobile app that will allow students to use their phones to access interactive entertainment options in A.R.

food delivery robots

Robots Delivering Pizzas, Coffee and Donuts on Campus at George Mason U

George Mason University has what is easily one of the first large-scale college programs to use robots to deliver food on campus.

mobile location sharing

Research Finds that Anonymized Mobile Data Still Leads to Privacy Risks

When you allow an app to identify your current location through your mobile device, is the result being used to optimize your experience or putting your private data at risk? That's the question behind a study undertaken by researchers at MIT and Imperial College London, who recently published their findings in IEEE's Transactions on Big Data. According to the study, the compilation of massive, anonymized datasets detailing people's movement patterns through their location stamps can be used for "nefarious purposes."

FLEXspace: From Learning Space Examples, to Planning and Assessment Tools and a Research Community

FLEXspace, the Flexible Learning Environments eXchange, has changed over time, starting out in 2013 as a great place to showcase and exemplify learning spaces, then rapidly growing to include a comprehensive toolset for planning and assessing these spaces, and now connecting a vibrant research community. Here, CT gets an update from pioneers Lisa Stephens and Rebecca Frazee.

student using virtual reality headset

VR Tops Faculty Wish List for the Classroom

In our 2018 Teaching with Technology Survey, faculty members told us about their most-wanted hardware and software, feelings on tech's value for learning, technologies they're using in class and more.

Chromebook Bundles LTE

New Chromebook Bundles LTE

Sprint is working with Google and Oregon-based CTL to create a CTL Chromebook that provides access to LTE mobile service, to compete with similar models from Samsung and ASUS.