Remote Learning

college student working on computer

WCET Survey: 6 Things Students Want to Know Before Enrolling in Digital Courses

Students who want to enroll in digital courses are finding that not enough information is provided ahead of time in order for them to be successful, a 2022 WCET (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) partnership survey found.

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UC Davis Launching MOOCs and Professional Certificate on EdX

The University of California, Davis, which offers massive open online courses on several other online learning platforms, has now also partnered with edX to launch a suite of free MOOCs, along with a professional certificate program in search engine optimization.

education technology

Instructure Acquires Ed Tech Evaluation Company LearnPlatform

Instructure has acquired LearnPlatform, an ed tech company that provides real-time, evidence-based data on the effectiveness of digital ed programs chosen by universities and K–12 schools.

online learning

VE/COIL Transformation Lab Moves to AAC&U

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and the American Council on Education (ACE) have transitioned the Virtual Exchange/Collaborative Online International Learning (VE/COIL) Transformation Lab from ACE to AAC&U.

Promethean Acquires Digital Whiteboard App Explain Everything

Interactive display maker Promethean has acquired the digital whiteboard platform Explain Everything, which allows users to create lessons, activities, and interactive presentations on any mobile device.

Georgetown on Coursera

Georgetown Launches Bachelor's Completion Program on Coursera

Georgetown University's School of Continuing Studies has partnered with Coursera to offer a new pathway to degree completion for adult learners.

Texas Tech University to Pilot Statewide Online Diploma Completion Program

Texas Tech University is launching a one-year pilot program to help students in the state complete their diplomas or earn a GED. The program is in partnership with TTU K–12, a fully online school district operated by Texas Tech, and is being made possible by a $1.8 million grant from the United States Department of Education and the Texas Workforce Commission.

D2L Brightspace Creator+ Package Enables Digital Course Creation with No Coding Experience Required

Learning technology company D2L has launched its Brightspace Creator+ package, allowing anyone to create digital courses without having to learn coding.

edX boot camps

2U Introduces edX Boot Camps

Online learning company 2U has moved its boot camp offerings to the edX brand with the introduction of edX Boot Camps, intensive technology training programs designed to meet the upskilling and reskilling needs of working adults.

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ASU Thunderbird Taps Canvas LMS to Power 100 Million Learners Initiative

Arizona State University's Thunderbird School of Global Management has partnered with ed tech company Instructure to provide its Canvas learning platform to the Francis and Dionne Najafi 100 Million Global Learners Initiative through 2030.