News Update 04-11-2003

Sponsor: Make Plans Now to Attend Syllabus2003: July 27-31

Syllabus2003 is celebrating its 10th annual summer conference for education technology professionals with five days of don't-miss keynotes, general sessions, break-outs and more. Monday, July 28, will be spent at Stanford University where you'll see and experience the latest education technology in action. Four days of high-level programming at the San Jose Marriott feature five new tracks on topics of strategic importance. Plus, you'll enjoy networking and exhibits in Syllabus' traditional collegial atmosphere. Don't miss out. Early Bird registration in effect until June 27--Save up to $200 on the Gold Package and attend all five days. For details and to register go to:

Shibboleth: Be Who You Are, Wherever You Are

The Internet2 middleware project known as Shibboleth is intended to bring about true "one user, one password," inter-institutional authentication and authorization. In collaboration with Georgetown University and Ohio State University, Blackboard Inc. has successfully completed testing its out-of-the-box integration of Blackboard and Shibboleth. Users can now enable the Blackboard Learning System to support authentication and authorization across multiple systems, departments, and universities. Shibboleth, on open source project, has established architectures and policies that will support the sharing of Web resources between universities.

Six Schools Awarded Industrial Ecology Faculty Fellowship

A&T picked researchers from six leading universities—Carnegie Mellon, Ball State, Leiden University-Netherlands, the University of California-Davis, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and University of Missouri-Rolla—to receive an AT&T Industrial Ecology Faculty Fellowship. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon, for example, received a $25,000 renewal grant to support their project, "Comparative Energy and Environmental Implications of Wired versus Wireless Communications Networks." Industrial Ecology is a multidisciplinary field that studies industrial and economic systems and their linkage with natural systems.

AIIM Launches Educational Drive on Content Management

AIIM International, an association of parties interested in Enterprise Content Management (ECM), launched an educational certificate and learning program on the "Fundamentals of ECM Software Architecture." The organization said the program is designed to help industry professionals better understand ECM and how to apply these technologies for managing content across the enterprise. ECM, as defined by AIIM, is the technologies, tools, and methods used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver information to support business processes. AIIM wants to set up a series of modular courses by industry experts that will become the " … defacto training standard for anyone entering the [ECM] industry," said AIIM president John Mancini. "The program will include 10 Web-based ‘stream-on-demand’ courses designed for professionals who are in the first few years of their ECM career or new to a specific area of ECM."

Kent State U. Opens High-Tech Futures Exchange

Last week Kent State University opened a Financial Engineering Trading Floor designed to give business students hands-on experience in risk management and derivatives trading by replicating trading floor conditions. The facility, housed within the university’s College of Business Administration, has 30 HP Workstations xw6000 with dual TFT 1825 flat panel monitors, each with live exchange data feeds to the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, BrokerTec, the Singapore Exchange, Tokyo Grain Exchange, and Eurex, an international exchange in Frankfurt. The facility also includes 10 HP ProLiant DL-360 servers and 10 HP ProLiant DL380 servers that support high-speed data connections.

Key Conferences on Higher Education and Technology

Case Western Reserve University, The Campus Computing Project, Microsoft Corp., SCT Corp, and Syllabus Magazine are sponsoring a free one-hour national satellite broadcast/Web cast today (Friday, April 11) at 1:00 p.m. ET, called "Wireless Technology: Beyond the Hype." The Web cast, part of the "Ahead of the Curve" program, will feature, among others: Constantine Papadakis, President, Drexel University; Frank Samuel, Science and Technology Advisor to Ohio Gov. Bob Taft; Leonard Steinbach, Chief Technology Officer, Cleveland Museum of Art; Anne Keough Keehn, Quantum Insights; Casey Green, The Campus Computing Project; Thomas Gaylord, CIO, the University of Akron; and Lev Gonick, Case Western Reserve University.

To register, visit:
