Digital Images Come of Age
In recent
years, large collections of digital images have become available
for licensing, and institutions have created a growing body of
digital images from their own collections. Subject specialist
librarians from The University of California libraries as well
as UC visual resource curators advocated for the California Digital
Library to acquire several commercial collections of images, create
a shared image database, and purchase presentation software for
classroom use and formal visual analysis. The CDL has extensive
experience in licensing and delivering textual materials such
as electronic journals and abstracting and indexing databases,
but digital images introduce a range of new issues for management
and delivery.
CDL’s Image Demonstrator Project
The CDL elected to form the Image Demonstrator Project to deliver
images from licensed, freely available, UC-owned images using
Luna Imaging’s Insight software. The project assembled more than
240,000 images in a six-month period, focusing mostly on images
supporting the study of art history, architecture, and cultural
studies with a combination of unique research material and canonical
collections for teaching. The UC libraries followed the CDL model
of co-investing in licensed commercial collections, while two
UC collaborative projects—the Museums and the Online Archive of
California and the Library of UC Images—contributed unique material.
A number of free collections came with the Insight software, contributed
by other Insight customers.
While the UC project has specific components, leverages existing
organizational structures and partnerships, and focuses on the
UC community, the issues are similar to those encountered at other
institutions as they provide digital images to their communities.
At the April 2004 meeting of the Digital Library Federation, CDL
co-presented with Pennsylvania State University, which has conducted
a large-scale research project called the Visual Image User Study
(VIUS). We found that except for differences in methodologies
and institutional environments, we saw similar incentives, challenges,
and unresolved issues. The VIUS project supplies data to back
up many of the themes we saw in our small-scale focus groups,
surveys, and personal anecdotes.
The CDL project has made progress on all of its stated goals,
although a few areas are still under investigation. Some of the
original assumptions about benefits and barriers have been borne
out, but some surprises emerged as well. Overall, the value of
collaboration to expand access, share expertise, and shoulder
costs has been affirmed. Most of the challenges have revolved
around how to create a productive environment for users.
“The core materials need to be digitized
only once, allowing campuses to focus on adding the unique parts
of their local collections and research interests to the shared
The Image Demonstrator Project team conducted focus groups with
16 faculty and graduate students from the University of California’s
Berkeley, Irvine, and Santa Barbara campuses, as well as informal
interviews with other faculty who learned of the project. Even
though most faculty members were not yet ready to incorporate
digital images completely into the classroom, they believed that
the use of digital images is inevitable, that there will be a
period of parallel use of analog and digital images, and that
their students will demand greater access to digital images. One
initially skeptical graduate student was impressed enough to predict
the death of the slide projector and was proven prescient when
Kodak later announced it would no longer manufacture these staples
of the art history classroom. Others began to think about how
they would use the service, especially for study assignments for
students outside the classroom.
Faculty Adoption of Image Services
“Content is king” has long been the mantra adhered to by libraries,
and especially cited when it comes to digital images. Many faculty
have accumulated their own personal collections to supplement
institutional collections in support of their research and teaching
interests. Until the core collections are available and there
is an easy way to add their personal collections, it is unlikely
that faculty will embrace fully the image service.
The Demonstrator project is providing a means to explore these
two areas. The mere presence of the service has provided a focal
point for visual resource curators and faculty to speculate on
how to leverage the core collections held in common across the
UC system. The core materials need to be digitized only once,
allowing campuses to focus on adding the unique parts of their
local collections and research interests to the shared database.
While the mechanisms for carrying out such a collaborative effort
are still to be determined, the possibilities are now visible.
Faculty in the focus groups were pleasantly surprised to find
images in their area of interest, but it is still unlikely there
is sufficient depth to support all of their needs.
Image Demonstrator Project Goals
- Conduct assessment of UC faculty and graduate students about
using images in instruction and learning, and Insight's ability
to meet their needs
- Develop a collection policy and strategy for additions
to the service
- Assess workflow issues
- Assess content management
- Evaluate technical issues related to CDL hosting of Insight,
including options for campuses to control different parts
- Evaluate cross-collection searching capability
- Evaluate personal collections feature
A faculty member from UC-Irvine participated in an early test of the personal
collections feature of Insight. This feature supports data entry (ranging from
simple to complex, depending on the user’s preference) and on-the-fly
generation of image derivatives. Personal collections are immediately available
for use alongside permanent collections, and may later be “promoted”
to the permanent collection. While the technology is simple, the policies and
support issues can be complex. Again, the Demonstrator project and the flexibility
of the software provide a forum for beginning the discussions.
The importance of personal collections and the possibilities for integrating
or aggregating them with institutional collections raise a host of policy and
support questions. Faculty may not have formal descriptions or standards-based
metadata for their collections, but they often have the knowledge to supply
this information if others can capture it and standardize it as needed. Faculty
are aware of copyright and intellectual property concerns, and seek guidance
on appropriate protection of their own rights as well as permitted uses of other
images. They are searching for mechanisms to share their collections, especially
unique research-oriented content, with their colleagues yet protect their creative
works and expressions. Librarians, visual resource curators, educational technologists,
and others who support research and teaching are struggling to find the best
ways to work together and in concert with faculty to support their needs.

Once users have discovered the images they need, they want to use them in different
environments—including course Web sites, classroom presentations, or publications.
Thus far, the model is for images to be bound fairly tightly to the delivery
mechanism. There are options for exporting them to HTML and PowerPoint, and
there are possibilities for deep linking to specific images or groups of images
from other applications. But concern over intellectual property rights has caused
software developers to limit use of the highest quality of images to within
the application. The user might gather images from a number of sources for a
particular purpose, but currently must settle for either lower-quality images
or less capable tools in order to manipulate all images in the same environment.
Infrastructure Issues
Other challenges relate to the issue of “classroom readiness.”
Art historians have long used dual slide projectors for pictorial study and
formal analysis. In order to recreate this approach in the digital environment,
it is necessary to install high-quality dual projection systems, pay attention
to sightlines, blinds, and lighting, provide a professor’s podium with
an appropriate computer setup and orientation, and ensure access to on-call
technical support. So-called “smart classrooms” often miss the mark
by using hotel conference centers or classroom setups appropriate for other
disciplines as their models. Technical infrastructure that provides reliable
network connectivity, adequate bandwidth, 24-hour access, and off-campus access
is also essential. Access anytime, anywhere is an incentive to students and
faculty as they fit preparation and study time into busy schedules.
User Concerns About Digital Images
Faculty who are not yet accustomed to using digital images have cited
several common roadblocks in their adoption curve:
- Uncomfortable with technology
- Concerned that technology might
not be trustworthy
- Lack of time
- Concern about image quality
- Lack of smart classrooms
- Copyright concerns
- Already have substantial analog
Digital formats and technologies provide the tools, but institutions and individuals
must adapt them to their own ways of working, teaching, and learning. As the
software and collections of digital images mature, so must our approaches to
managing and delivering them to students and faculty whose requirements and
creativity in using these resources are usually one step ahead of us.
Image Demonstrator Project
A project of the California Digital Library to provide an online service
that supports teaching and research with digital images
Insight (from Luna Imaging)
Image management and delivery software
Museums and the Online Archive of California
Digital records and images from California museums and cultural institutions
Library of University of California Images
The University of California’s inter-campus
database of digital images for educational use
Digital Library Federation (DLF)
A consortium of libraries and related agencies dedicated to digital collection
standards and practices
Visual Image User Study (VIUS)
Penn State University
A project to assess the needs for interdisciplinary image delivery at
Penn State