IT Trends :: Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Technology

University Technology That Could Cut Flooding Dangers

The Institute of Integrated Communication Centre at Bradford University in the UK is working on a project that will deploy sunglass-sized wireless sensors to produce real-time, detailed data regarding water level changes in flood-prone areas. This would enable preventative steps to be taken before water levels reach crisis point.

The Centre was recently awarded a consultancy contract on the multi-billion dollar project to roll out digital television across Brazil. A three-year grant is in place, after which, it is hoped the centre will become a self-supporting operation…(Yorkshire Post Today)

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5G Brings Campus-Wide WiFi for All to Denison University

It is amazing how many campuses still do not provide Internet access for visitors. Denison is about to bring its access for visitors up a notch to change that.

The institution plans to match its academic, research, and administrative networks' functionality for visitors. Denison’s campus already boasts fiber access to the Internet – as well as to Internet 2, the academic supercomputing network – along with several labs and fully hardwired classrooms and residence halls…(TMCnet)

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Penn State Research Zer'es in on Database Access, Security

How can databases talk directly to each other and share appropriate information without giving away the store?

At Penn State, a toolkit called PACT encrypts both queries and responses to provide one solution. PACT could provide organizations that need to share data an easier and less expensive way to do it. The program was discussed in a paper was presented at a recent symposium in Taiwan… (

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Rhode Island Wants Statewide Wi-Fi

It should take about a dozen transmitters. No, seriously, it is a tiny state but it's the first to come up with an initiative to offer wireless broadband from border to border. RI-WINs should be fully functional by 2007.

Backers of the $20 million project say it would improve services and make the state a testing ground for new business technologies. A pilot project involving state agencies, Brown University and businesses is to begin next month…(

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