C-Level View :: August 9, 2006
From the Personnel Office
Educause Leadership Awards Announced
Daniel A. Updegrove
(picture from the Campus Technology 2006 conference)
Educause has announced that this year’s two Leadership Awards will go to Dan Updegrove, and posthumously to Howard Strauss. The Leadership Awards, which will be formally presented at the Educause annual conference in Dallas, October 9-12, recognize excellence in IT leadership in higher education.
Dan Updegrove, vice president for information technology at the University of Texas, Austin, is recognized “…for consistently thoughtful guidance and collaborative leadership of IT initiatives at institutional, regional, and national levels.” Howard Strauss, former manager of technology strategy and outreach at Princeton University (NJ), is recognized for “…visionary, entertaining, and provocative thought leadership in the world of higher education information technology.”
Howard J. Strauss
(picture from the Campus Technology archives)
[Editor’s note: Howard Strauss was, for years, a columnist for our magazine and a very active board member and speaker at our conferences. He was missed last week at the Campus Technology 2006 closing plenary on Visions for Technology in Higher Education. We are pleased to hear of his Educause award.]