News Update :: Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Contracts, Deals, Awards

Georgia Tech, Bell South, ISS Partner on VoIP Security

Georgia Tech said last week it would form a partnership of its Information Security Center (GTISC), BellSouth, and Internet Security Systems to explore security of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. As communication services migrate to Internet-based platforms, it is important that the security and dependability users expect in the current public switched networks be maintained with these new converged technologies.

Internet Security Systems and BellSouth have committed to a two-year research program totaling $300,000. This funding will enable GTISC faculty and graduate students to work with ISS and BellSouth technologists to develop and evaluate solutions that address VoIP security. In return, BellSouth and ISS will have access to the resulting intellectual property.

"At GTISC, we feel strongly that security should not be an afterthought with VoIP," said Mustaque Ahamad, principal investigator and director of GTISC. He said the partnership will be able to lead the research efforts “necessary to better understand VoIP threats and explore techniques that are well suited for securing VoIP devices, protocols, and services."...

For more information, click here.

Online U. Buys Naming Rights to NFL’s Cardinal Stadium

The University of Ph'enix, a for-profit institution which has promoted the use of online courses to pursue its target base of professional and adult learners, has bought the naming rights to the NFL’s Arizona Cardinal’s home stadium. The stadium will be officially called the University of Ph'enix stadium, the first time a National Football League venue has been named after an educational institution, according to the NFL.

In return for the rights, the university will invest an average of $7.7 million per year for 20 years. Brian Mueller, president of Apollo Group, the university's parent company, said the deal will enable the university to reach an even greater number and diversity of potential students, while staying grounded in its hometown community.

Mueller characterized this as a long-term investment to maintain the university's profile in Arizona, while reaching hundreds of thousands of people at the stadium's 100 annual events. He said that such events would help put the university on an even broader international stage. Aside from 10 Arizona Cardinals football games, the stadium will host Super Bowl XLII in February 2008...

For more information, click here.
