Here, There, & Everywhere
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- 11/01/09
Electronic portfolios can follow a student beyond
graduation into careers and other life pursuits--
but not if the university can't guarantee access,
or if the data won't transfer from one system to
another. A look at how ePortfolios can be true
repositories of lifelong learning.
HOW MIGHT ePORTFOLIOS live beyond a student's graduation? Margo
Tamez, a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at Washington State University, provides
the use case: A pending legal suit depends, in part, on the continued existence of the ePortfolio
she has created, which resides on a server at the university. And even once that suit is
settled, a community of international political activists whose cause is the subject of
Tamez's ePortfolio still will rely on ongoing access to the site.
Tamez's situation, while unique, reflects the current debate on the future of ePortfolios: How
are they evolving with the growth of Web 2.0? What are the right tools to create them? And do
they have a role beyond the academic setting as part of a person's lifelong learning endeavors?
The outcome of that debate isn't simply an exercise in academic curiosity. The Obama
administration has put the development of longitudinal data systems that track student
progress from preschool through college and beyond at the heart of its education reform initiatives,
and the use of ePortfolios could prove to be central to these efforts. Meanwhile, the
growth of ePortfolios in higher ed continues unabated. Kenneth C. Green, founding director
of The Campus Computing Project, which regularly canvasses higher education institutions
on technology issues, says that nearly 40 percent of all institutions had implemented a student
ePortfolio project by 2008-- up from almost 30 percent the year before. Public and private
universities lead the way, with half reporting that they provide ePortfolio services through
their campus websites. That represents a considerable technology investment, whether the
ePortfolio is part of a broader course management initiative on campus or just a limited-scope
project being explored, for example, by a school of education.
But like much on campus these days,
ePortfolios are morphing to reflect the
far-reaching trend in higher ed of relying
less on technology delivered by the institution
itself and more on the use of user-centric
technology, including Web 2.0.
Compliance Doesn't Get
Many Volunteers
At their most basic, ePortfolios provide
an online repository for students to post
their work and share it with others.
"Collection, selection, reflection, direction,
and presentation," is how ePortfolio
researcher Helen Barrett sums up the
ePortfolio experience. Once the student
has collected a body of work and selected
specific examples of it to share in the
repository, he or she then reflects on
how those pieces have facilitated learning
and how that learning has evolved
through the period in which the ePortfolio
is maintained.
If students become disengaged from the process of
maintaining their own identities as learners,
ePortfolios become a compliance activity-- the death knell
for continued usage of the ePortfolio after graduation.
At some point in the evolution of
ePortfolios, however, those initial goals
of reflection and assessment begin to
feel "inauthentic, another hoop for the
students to jump through," says Jayme
Jacobson, learning design consultant at
WSU's Center for Teaching, Learning,
and Technology (CTLT). The problem:
"The professors don't always understand
fully what they're asking of students...
and students are becoming very
disengaged from [the process] of maintaining
their own identities as learners."
As a result, says Theron DesRosier, a
design consultant and Jacobson's CTLT
colleague, "The ePortfolio becomes a
compliance activity." That in turn can
spell the death knell for continued usage
after the requirement for maintaining
the ePortfolio-- for instance, graduation--
is met.
Barrett, who has been writing about
ePortfolios since 1991 when she was a
professor at the University of Alaska-Anchorage (she currently holds a courtesy
appointment from the University
of Oregon), shares a story from a university
acquaintance in Seattle. For five
years, she says, this school used a commercial
ePortfolio system for assessment
management in its teacher
education program. During that time,
her acquaintance revealed to her, he
could count on one hand the number of
students who asked how they could use
this system once they got their own
classrooms. "He said there wasn't any
interest in trying to apply the ePortfolio
process," she recalls.
In the last year, however, that same
university dropped the ePortfolio program
in favor of using blogging software
from WordPress. This past
summer, as he started teaching Word-
Press to students, Barrett's colleague
lost track of the number of students who
reflected in their blogs about how they
could apply the technology in their own
classrooms. "To me that is a very telling
story," she says. "Most of the ways we
implement ePortfolios in higher education
don't have real-world applications."
A "hodgepodge of standards" for structuring and storing
the contents of ePortfolios "prevents the development of
a healthy ecosystem for supporting the lifelong
learner ePortfolio," observes a Gartner industry analyst.
Stretching the Notion
of the ePortfolio
In Tamez's case at WSU, her ePortfolio
has only too real an application to the
outside world-- one with high stakes
In 2006, she faced a dead end. She
was ready to throw in the towel in her
efforts to find campus support for her
social science research into indigenous
women who lived along the US-Mexico
border. Then she took a phone call from
her mother, whose property along the
Texas-Mexico border was increasingly
being threatened with eminent domain
by the Department of Homeland Security,
Customs and Border Protection, and
the US Army Corp of Engineers, which
wanted to put a border wall through
ancestral lands. Suddenly, Tamez's dissertation
research became highly and
personally focused on a specific stretch
of the Lower Rio Grande Valley.
Tamez urgently began publicizing the
plight of her mother's community, which
became an international call-to-arms for
indigenous people all around the world
who were facing the construction of border
walls dividing their own lands. Closer
to home, the university's team at the
CTLT also heard Tamez's plea for help.
DesRosier met with Tamez and suggested
she consider an ePortfolio as a mechanism
for creating and maintaining a
living record of the struggles in which
she was immersed.
Thus was born the Calaboz ePortfolio,
built on Microsoft SharePoint and
containing, as Tamez writes on the site,
"languages, images, media, history,
biographies, archives, documents, and
structures [showing] the human rights
struggles of a small indigenous community,
in one of the poorest counties in the
United States." The ePortfolio draws
visitors from around the world and has
become a community resource, Tamez
says. She describes it as "a place for us
to present in a more structured, traditional
way our reports, our announcements,
our denouncements, our data,
our stats, our ongoing development."
Tamez's ePortfolio, which won first
place in a campus ePortfolio contest in
2008, has become a repository for all the
mail, e-mail, legal documents, PowerPoint presentations, press releases, pieces
of research, and drafts of papers that have
led up to the court case in which Tamez
and her mother are now involved. (A jury
trial in December will determine compensation
and the impact of the border
wall on Tamez's family.) It is those documents
that Tamez wants to ensure will be
warehoused indefinitely, even after her
work with the university has ended,
because she believes they'll continue to
have value for future activists.
Tamez needn't worry that her portfolio
will go poof! after she graduates.
WSU has no policy or procedure in
place to delete a student's SharePoint
mySite (where her portfolio resides)
after graduation, but after 12 months the
site becomes read-only unless the graduate
makes a specific request to have
management access restored.
Nonetheless, her situation raises
some thorny questions: If a school sets
up an ePortfolio system and serves as
host for its contents, does the school
own the materials and can the school cut
off support post-graduation? If so, what
does that say about an institution's commitment
to the goal of lifelong learning?
In the event that a college or university
puts lifelong learning forward as part of
its mission, should an ePortfolio, at a
minimum, last for the duration of a person's
The ePortfolios of the future will look like blogs
and wikis, says WSU CTLT Assistant Director Nils Peterson.
"They definitely will not be walled gardens run by universities.
An ePortfolio isn't a place or a thing; it's a practice."
The Necessity of Standards
Right now, that would be challenging,
says Trent Batson, columnist for and executive
director of the newly formed Association
for Authentic, Experiential, and
Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL),
a professional association for the ePortfolio
community. Batson believes that a
key component holding back broader
adoption of ePortfolios beyond academic
requirement is the lack of standards
for the data being maintained in the
ePortfolio repository.
"We have to think about what data
we're putting into ePortfolios. Just collecting
all the work isn't good data,"
he says. "It's just throwing everything
in there."
Batson hopes to enlist 15 to 20 campuses
around the world to develop a
standard ePortfolio format and tagging
conventions so that the contents of
ePortfolios could be searched in different
ways. That would provide two benefits,
he believes: It would help researchers
identify trends and do analysis about
ePortfolios, and it would be useful for
potential employers. "If you're looking
at somebody's physics experiments and
you're not a physicist, it's not going to be
of much value for you to see a specific
experiment. But if a student says, βThe
reason I solved the problem this way is
because...' then employers can read
through the different reflections to see
how the student thinks."
Baton's concerns are echoed by Jan-
Martin Lowendahl, a higher education
sector research director for Gartner,
who confirms that "there's a hodgepodge
of standards out there" for structuring
and storing the contents of
ePortfolios. He's advising campus technology
leaders to monitor standards
efforts, because those will facilitate the
original intent of the ePortfolio "to provide
a place where you store your stuff,
regardless of employer or institution.
That part doesn't exist today." Without
coherency, vendors and others go in a
multitude of directions to address customer
needs. That, he says, "prevents
the development of a healthy ecosystem
for supporting the notion of the lifelong
learner ePortfolio."
Furthermore, without those structures
in place, and without the ability for a
person to control what materials are
accessible by others, the ePortfolio loses
its usefulness for employability, says
Casey Jackson of the Human Resources
department at Wolseley/Ferguson, an
international wholesaler of construction
materials and a major recruiter on campuses.
She also was one of the judges
who evaluated Tamez's ePortfolio for
the contest at WSU.
Jackson is concerned that reading
unfiltered digital materials from a candidate
can get prospective employers into trouble. "As employers, we have to
be careful legally with information we
can know and not know about applicants.
We can't hire based on any personal
attributes-- anything related to
background, race, age, gender." But
standards are as much for the protection
of students as for employers, she maintains.
While Jackson considers ePortfolios
"a great way to show what you can
do versus telling someone what you can
do," she also views them like any other
form of digital presence. "It's almost
like social networking. Students want to
be careful about what they include and
don't include," she says.
The issue of employer access to student
ePortfolios is of prime importance
to AAEEBL director Trent Batson.
"Employability is a big concern around
the world," he says. "Here we talk about
assessment and learning [applications for
ePortfolios]. [But] ePortfolios should be
for employability-- and for personal
development," he insists, and that won't
happen without standards.
Roadblocks to
Wide-Scale Adoption
In Gartner's latest analysis of the ePortfolio
category in its publication, "Hype
Cycle for Education, 2009," the IT
research firm suggests that ePortfolios
are beginning to move out of the infamous
"trough of disillusionment" and
estimates that mainstream adoption will
take two to five years. During this time,
users will discover the true value of
ePortfolios, enabling them finally to
reach the "plateau of productivity."
But first, a few roadblocks stand in
the way. In addition to the need for standards
discussed above, the Gartner
report lists two other obstacles that
inhibit the widespread use of ePortfolios:
cost and what Gartner calls "identity
and access management."
Institutions haven't figured out how
to support the cost attached to a lifelong
learner ePortfolio, says Gartner's
Lowendahl. Beyond the expense of
licensing the application itself (which
can be eliminated with the use of an
open source solution), ePortfolios
involve outlays for storage and IT
administration. That's where free cloud
services such as Google Apps or
Microsoft Live@Edu could, Lowendahl
believes, play an important role.
"Today they already are offering a number
of services free of charge for students,
to get as many eyeballs as
possible to their services and their
brands and ads and all that kind of
thing," Lowendahl says. "It would make
sense for them to develop an
ePortfolio in the same manner."
The issue of identity and access
management is, to Lowendahl, the
biggest hurdle, and not just in the
arena of ePortfolios but also for
much else in the internet realm.
Without the ability to know who
is behind a given internet identity,
there's no way to assure accreditation. "A grade is only valuable
as long as somebody can back it
up," he points out. The same
could be said for a research project,
work samples, or other materials
that might end up in a
lifelong ePortfolio. All of these
types of content allow the user to
show proof of what he or she has
accomplished, achieved, and
learned in life-- but are only valid
if the identity of the student and
the institution are verifiable.
"If we solve this more basic
problem of the identity ecosystem,
then the field is really open for the
Web 2.0 type of functionality to do
ePortfolios," Lowendahl says. "What
does an ePortfolio do? It stores blobs,
binary large objects. It adds metadata of
some sort. Sometimes it adds some
workflow for grading purposes." All
those components, he adds, can be
found in other applications on campus,
such as learning management systems.
"Some smart person could add specific
processes and workflows to more generic
tools and get them to work for this
particular task."
The Portfolio Community
The cloud referenced by Lowendahl is
where researcher Barrett believes success
in ePortfolios for the lifelong
learner ultimately will be found.
Increasingly, she's finding institutions
implementing blogging software or free
cloud services. Those schools have
discovered what artists already know,
she observes. "Artists construct their
portfolios to showcase work but also to
act as a way to get critiques and feedback,"
says Barrett. "We tend to
approach the portfolio as a presentation,
not as a conversation. But that's
what is so exciting about Web 2.0. The
portfolio can become a conversation, a
dialog, because Web 2.0 tools are built
on an architecture of interaction and
That in turn is leading to a movement
in which the learner constructs his or
her own community of people who can
support the learning environment.
"[Learners are] doing it now, but doing
it in Facebook and MySpace," she
explains. "Their conversation is around
assignments or around activities to support
their academic endeavors."
What Barrett is describing comes
very close to personal learning environments.
A PLE, according to Wikipedia,
is a system that allows the learner to
take control of and manage his or her
own learning. That includes setting
goals, managing the content, and communicating
with others in the process of
learning. It also involves wider collaboration,
says CTLT's DesRosier. "It's not
my identity located in this specific place
of learning. It's an interaction. It's a
community reflection; a community
gathering of evidence."
CTLT Assistant Director Nils Peterson
wholeheartedly agrees. An ePortfolio
is not an electronic extension of its
paper-based predecessor, he insists. "It
is not a thing or a place; it's a practice."
The internet, he points out, is well
suited to promoting this kind of reflective
practice. The ePortfolios of the
future "will look like blogs and wikis,"
he says. "They definitely will not be
walled gardens run by universities."
Peterson predicts that users will have
a variety of ePortfolios through the
years, like multiple blog projects, and
they'll be supplemented by resources
important to the individual, "whether
it's Flickr, because a person is really
interested in visual images, or other
kinds of social tools for collecting particular
kinds of media." Along the way,
he says, students will interact with communities
wherever those communities
reside. "If you're a photographer, you'll
want to find a photographer community
and get engaged there-- and not work in
a portfolio structure."
Getting there will take time. The
challenge for the university that espouses--
or requires-- the use of ePortfolios,
says Tamez, is to stop thinking about
them as "flat" assignments. "We have to
think about how we continue to help students
stimulate their own thinking and
learning and not just leave something
behind-- well, OK, it's done-- but to use
[the ePortfolio] as a tool to continue to
grow and generate new kinds of working
relationships. Those relationships
continue to spark innovation."
Tamez herself has started academic
blogging outside her ePortfolio, and she
has her students creating blogs, too.
Why not pursue with her students the
ePortfolio strategy that has proven to be
so useful in her own work? "The blog is
a lot easier to change as an environment,"
she says. "It's more understandable,
more readable. The tools are more
direct than SharePoint." Plus, she adds,
"I wanted my students to have control. I
didn't want the university to be in
there... [making us feel like] it can be
removed at any time. I wanted to build
more autonomy."
Barrett takes Tamez's point one step
further and says she finds that if schools
are using proprietary ePortfolio tools
that students would have to subscribe to
continue using post-graduation, they
won't bother. She argues that sustained,
post-graduate use requires tools toward
which the learners will effortlessly and
affordably gravitate. "And [the tools
will] morph and change as we go
through different stages of our lives,"
she says. We may not call it a portfolio,
she adds, but that's what it is.
"People don't see ePortfolios in a lifelong,
life-wide context-- yet. But I can
guarantee you that in the personal
world, [people will] be storing videos in
YouTube; they may keep a blog. If we
can build that habit of mind in reflection,
then we can truly support lifelong
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