Library Tech | News
Boston College Extends New Library Collection Usage Tool to iPhone App
- By Dian Schaffhauser
- 01/24/11
LogiXML has released a new tool for libraries to help them track and analyze the usage of library resources. Logi Insight for Libraries is intended to enable librarians to better justify their budget requests based on what is being used by patrons. The new application was created with input from three universities, Boston College, Texas Tech University near Lubbock, and New York University. According to the company, the program compiles data from multiple diverse sources used in libraries, including integrated library system and electronic resource management databases, Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Web-services, and Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (or Counter) reports.
"There isn't a single library in the country that isn't feeling pressure on its budget, and the only way forward is to get access to data that clearly shows which library resources are most valuable to faculty and students," said Kevin Kidd, the Manager of Libraries for Boston College, which was the first university library to adopt the product. "We have been thrilled to help guide the evolution of Logi Insight, and we will rely on this system as we write our budget each year."
Boston College will also be using the reporting technology as part of a new mobile iPhone app to help students find and use library resources. The app, which will be launched shortly, includes access to a student's library account, along with information about library hours, contacts, and reference help.
"This iPhone app built with LogiXML is all a part of making library resources more accessible and available to students and faculty," said Kidd. "Once we installed the LogiXML software, we realized that it was very easy to use, and this is just the beginning of where we plan on going with it. So far we've gotten very positive feedback from users."
About the Author
Dian Schaffhauser is a former senior contributing editor for 1105 Media's education publications THE Journal, Campus Technology and Spaces4Learning.