Digital Badges
Credly Receives Open Badges Certification
Digital credentials provider Credly has become the first platform to receive official certification from the IMS Global Learning Consortium for compliance with the Open Badges Standard. Originally developed by the Mozilla Foundation, the Open Badges specification is designed to "ensure a plug-and-play ecosystem for digital credentials earned across different environments," according to a press release. Management of the standard was taken over by IMS Global this past January.
The current version of the standard, Open Badges Standard 1.1, focuses on interoperability and portability. In the works now is version 2.0, which will incorporate "new endorsement functionality, enhanced data support for evidence and greater access to digital badges across multiple languages, locations, platforms and industries." Credly reports that it has already completed its development for version 2.0 and will submit for certification as soon as the 2.0 conformance program is released by IMS Global.
"Credly's validated implementation of the standard reflects the company's long-standing commitment to open badges and interoperable credentials, amid growing demand among individuals and organizations for full ownership of their data and assurance that earned achievements are truly portable across environments," the company said in a statement.
"Digital credentials are fast becoming a global currency for skills and competencies. Robust standards for interoperability help this currency gain traction across industry and geographic boundaries, ensuring users enjoy full faith in the credentials they earn online," said Rob Abel, CEO of the IMS Global Learning Consortium, in a press release. "Open Badge Standard 1.1 — and the coming Open Badges Standard 2.0 — harnesses the power of digital credentials to be data-rich and portable. We are pleased to see Credly at the forefront of obtaining IMS certification for the open badges standard."
Credly has also worked with IMS Global on creating the Open Badges Extensions for Education, a project focused on giving employers and the labor market "access to better data about the quality and rigor behind earned credentials." In addition, Credly CEO Jonathan Finkelstein serves on the IMS Global Digital Credentials and Badges Executive Board.
For more information, visit the Credly site.
About the Author
Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].