September 2010

Cover Story


Hurdling Toward Campuswide E-Portfolios

Some ambitious institutions are seeking to implement e-portfolios across all departments and disciplines, yet there are many barriers to overcome before such a practice gets the full participation of faculty, staff, and students.

By Dian Schaffhauser


Outsourcing Turns IT Leaders Into the New Air Traffic Controllers

As more higher ed institutions turn to different outsourcing models--traditional, cloud-based, or consortial--IT leaders must manage, monitor, and integrate technology solutions from all directions.

By David Raths

Josh Baron

Campus Technology 2010

The Ed Tech Journey and a Future Driven by Disruptive Change

Teaching and learning in higher ed have advanced incrementally alongside rapid changes in technology. Is it time for some radical shifts? Edited by Mary Grush

Campus Technology 2010

Campus Technology Scrapbook

Highlights from Campus Technology's 17th annual summer event


IT Planning

Ending the Tech Refresh Nightmare

Virtualization is helping three universities keep campus technology up-to-date despite tightening budgets.

By Jennifer Demski


Professional Development

Pitch and Woo: Dealing with Faculty Resistance

Giving faculty immediate support, a safe way to try new tools, and a strong sense of ownership can go a long way toward overcoming resistance to new technology.

By Bridget McCrea

IT Directions

Vendor User Groups: Wield Your Influence

Vendor user groups offer a productive pathway to help shape product development and create valuable peer networks for sharing knowledge.




Managing Change

Technology is easy; it’s the people and institutions that pose the real threat.

By Geoffrey H. Fletcher