Cover/Table of Contents — September 2012

Campus Technology Magazine — September 2012

Cover Story – 10 Myths of Virtualization

Experts Debunk Your Biggest Virtualization Fears

Preparing Pilots for Takeoff
When schools and vendors work together, a pilot project can be a win-win proposition. Here are 6 tips on how to get pilots flying.
Putting the IT in Team
CT’s 5 top picks for how IT shops can help athletic departments increase their visibility, improve efficiency, and develop more winners.
In Online Learning, Vive L'Evolution
Despite the latest hoopla surrounding MOOCs and edX, smaller institutions and for-profits have been steadily improving online learning for years.
Taking the iPad's Measure
As tablets enter the educational mainstream, universities move to evaluate their impact on teaching and learning.
Charting the Tech-Tonic Shifts in Education
Campus Technology 2012 in Boston painted a picture of higher education undergoing a seismic shift--and offered a vision for the future.
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  • Login / “As Good As” Is Not Good Enough
  • In Box / New Learning Paths
  • Campus & Industry
  • Product Roundup
  • C-Level View / Leveraging Digital Media for CRM Gains

September 2012 | vol. 26 no. 1

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