Student Information Systems >> Winning Loyalty Through Service
Institutions ebb and flow riding on a tide of loyal students and alumni.
'Student-centered' services can strengthen those relationships.
You can’t help but notice the increasing presence on campuses
of large retail chains like Barnes & Noble bookstores (—and
the phenomenon is not just about increased yearly sales for the corporate booksellers.
As Rachel Deahl recently pointed out in The Book Standard (“Get ’Em
While They’re Young: Do Chains Change How Students Think About Bookstores?”
July 1, 2005), marketing experts and chain bookstore executives agree that providing
excellent service to students during their college years translates into brand
loyalty to the chain after graduation.
More and more, higher education administrators are beginning to ask themselves
this question: Are we doing as good a job earning brand loyalty from our own
students as our fast food and bookstore outsourcers are?
The Crucial Question
Do students feel well-treated when they interact with your institution?
Many campuses have adopted the explicit goal of offering excellent services,
but sometimes they are disappointed with the feedback they get from students,
even after making considerable effort toward the desired level of services.
And it’s not just that the rules of the services game have changed; it’s that
the services playing field itself has gotten much broader and steeper in places.
It’s simply harder and harder to keep up with the state of the art in student
services. Experts today point to “student-centered” services as the gold ring,
and putting services online is just the start.
Student-Centered? Not!
Before the Internet, most student interactions with an institution were face-toface.
To change a course, pay a bill, solve a financial aid problem, or get help looking
for a summer internship, students simply had to line up at the right window
or office door. If they found themselves at the wrong window, they could trudge
off to queue up somewhere else.
But campus automation and information systems have changed all that. At many
colleges and universities, students can perform routine tasks from a Web browser,
24/7. Yet, what if the Web experience turns into a frustrating cyber-runaround?
Unless you design and monitor your Web-based services from a student perspective,
you run the risk of merely recreating the old bureaucratic maze.
The solution? Instead of constructing services around the institution’s internal
organization (for instance, who outside of academe has any idea what a Bursar’s
Office is for?), look at things from the student’s vantage point: organize services
around what students need, when they need it.
We Aren’t There Yet
To paint a clearer picture of what is truly meant by student-centered services,
let’s take the quintessential student-centered moment—a high point of excitement
and positive feelings for most students: signing up for classes.
Now, from the institutional point of view, there have been great advances in
registration processes. At many institutions, students can register for classes
online, pay tuition and fees, and view individual course syllabi and textbook
lists. This ideally smooth, student-centered flow looks something like this:
- Pat registers for Econ 101. (click)
- Pat reviews the textbook information for the course. (click)
- Pat decides to order the textbooks immediately. (click)
- Pat pays for the textbooks, or applies available financial aid funds to
the purchase. (click)
But here is what Pat actually has to do at her school, even in the automated
campus environment:
- Pat logs in to the campus ERP (enterprise resource planning) system.
- Pat registers for a course.
- Pat logs in to the course management system.
- Pat locates the course.
- Pat finds out after she’s signed up for the course that it is no longer
available, or not available in her time slots. She repeats the locateand-
sign-up process many times, juggling other decisions until she is able to
secure the course, a similar one, or whichever course may still be available
to her.
- Pat locates the textbook informationfor the course she has secured.
- Pat copies/prints out the textbook list.
- Pat g'es to the bookstore, stands in line and purchases the books, or she
g'es to the Internet and purchases them from an online bookseller.
- Pat figures out how to use financial aid funds to pay for the books (or
Poor, tired Pat. Her institution d'esn’t know that new products such as Datatel’s
( e-Advising solution could
launch a pre-registration e-mail to her that, weeks before the process, would
give her a link opening the door to a comprehensive, academic-planning support
system complete with wizard, her prepopulated course and studies history, program
“rules” that seek out sign-up conflicts, and more.
The Competition
If the straightforward click-click-click experience seems too elusive an ideal
to try to achieve, just remember who the competition is. Students and their
families are not just comparing your services to those of other colleges and
universities, but with the whole universe of services that surround them daily.
Those services might include one-click shopping on Amazon (,
the smooth purchase and download of music from subscriber sites, or access to
vital news and financial information online. And if you think you have a captive
audience that will make do with the level of service you offer, wait until your
student post office folks complain that they are overburdened with packages
from online booksellers, while your bookstore director rues the flagging sales.
The truth is, most of higher education is nowhere near the ideal yet, but there
are forward-looking institutions that have grasped the principles of
studentcentered services, and they are moving ahead as fast as technology and
human change management will allow.
" The portal needed to be a joint project from the beginning; we all needed to sit around the same table "
Steve Smith , U of Alaska system
How to Get There: UA
There has been a multiyear SIS (student information systems) process underway
at the University of Alaska that demonstrates what student-centered
services can be today, and how the IT and SIS areas of an institution can work
together to acheive that goal. In 2003, UA administrators decided it was time
to construct a systemwide portal—an ambitious project, since UA has 16 campuses
organized under the chancellors who preside over the three urban campuses, boasts
a thriving distance learning program, and is dispersed over the largest state
in the union.
Importantly, the portal project was not just about adding a new wrinkle to
UA’s technology arsenal; right from the start, the higher goal was to improve
the level of student services. To ensure the portal was truly a joint project,
a pact between the IT and the Student Affairs sides of the institution was actually
drawn up and signed. “It needed to be a partnership from the beginning,” says
Steve Smith, chief IT officer for the UA system. “We all needed to sit around
the same table.”
Adds Mike Sfraga, the university system’s associate VP for Student Enrollment
Services, “Typically, IT and Student Services work together only when forced
to, but we could see that that would be counter to the university’s good.” Sfraga
and Smith had already leveraged the cooperation of the two areas to make a success
of the university’s suite of student service modules, UAOnline. Most of the
motivation for the cooperative effort came from within the university system,
although support also came from the Board of Regents and the system president,
who saw what other institutions were doing.
“My office and the individual Student Affairs offices around the system came
to the realization that we had to move to the next level of service,” says Sfraga.
“After all, our students are accustomed to going to Yahoo!, Google, and eBay;
if you don’t give them similar services, they’ll vote with their feet. So, some
of the motive is self-preservation: We wanted a new service model to help attract
and retain students.”
Three Rules, Three Clicks
The UA partners laid down three rules for the portal project:
- It must take no more than three clicks to get to the information or service
that a student needs.
- The portal must be customizable for each individual.
- There must be a single sign-on for each individual, no matter what part
of the system she is using.
“Adhering to those rules pushed a lot of changes,” says Smith. Turf boundaries
had to give way, and prevailing business practices had to be changed to conform
to each other. Then too, even though UA was already using software that was
the same brand as the portal it was implementing (SunGard SCT Luminis;,
the team found that the university had used subtly different ways of defining
individuals and setting up business processes in SCT’s Banner HR and Student
modules. Those differences had to be worked out to make the portal experience
as smooth as possible.
Even something as apparently simple as resetting a lost password was handled
with myriad practices across departments and institutions. Yet, for students
using the portal, getting a new password had to be handled consistently and
at any hour, 24/7. “That took longer than anticipated,” admits Smith, “and we
are still working on the vestiges.”
" Our Students are accustomed to going to Google and eBay; if you don't give them similar services, they'll vote with their fee."
Mike Sfraga, U of Alaska system
Progress Report
The effort to center services around students’ needs may already have started
to pay off for UA. For the first time ever, more than half the graduating high
school seniors in Alaska who are heading for college will be attending a school
in their own state’s system. “That is monumental for us,” says Sfraga. The question,
he says, now is: Can you really create loyalty with service?
“I want to win students’ affinity because of our great academic programs, but
also because we know how to do service,” says Sfraga. “I want to make it easier
for them to love us.”
The next stage for UA is to move more of the university’s peripheral systems
into conformity with the three laws of UA’s portal, including the law of the
three clicks. With Blackboard (,
for example—the course management software that UA uses—the goal of a single
sign-on has been achieved. With a single click from the portal, a UA student
can get to the Blackboard system entrance without having to log in again. “Where
we are challenged right now,” says Smith, “is to go all the way, directly to
a student’s course, without going down a path of sequential clicks.” UA is attacking
this problem by developing a university-wide enterprise architecture, defining
a set of standards that will let all major applications interact. “Like the
single ID project, that will take more than a year,” predicts Smith.
Tools for
Auditing Service Levels: WCET
For reasons that are easy to understand, distance learning programs were among
the first to have to deal seriously with the issue of how to provide student-centered
services in an online environment. The Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications
(, now known
simply as WCET, has long been a leader in thinking about online service standards
and, in cooperation with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
system and custom eLearning solution provider Seward Inc. (,
has developed extensive tools for auditing existing services at any institution
and determining which model those services conform to.
“We identified critical components for schools that engage the WCET Audit Service
[] in each of 20 services, at four levels of sophistication,”
says Patricia Shea, assistant director of WCET. The four levels or “generations”
of student services that WCET uses have been previously defined by Darlene Burnett
of Burnett & Associates (
When an institution reaches generation four, services are organized around student
needs, not around the institution’s organizational chart; information is personalized
for each student; services aim to create a positive experience for the student
and to build a long-term relationship; and info is provided in a context that
actually helps the student make use of it—for instance, by providing “high touch”
advising and counseling online.
In WCET’s view, “student services” cover a wide range that can include academic
advising, admissions, assessment and testing, bookstore services, career planning,
catalogs, communications (institution to student), disability services, financial
aid, library services, orientation, personal counseling, placement services,
registration, schedule of classes, services for international students, student
accounts, student activities, technical support, and tutoring, along with other
Not surprisingly, generation four is more of a sought-after goal these days
than an achieved reality at most institutions. “We anticipated that schools
might be at different generations in different service areas,” says Shea, “but
we discovered it was even more mixed than that. Even in a single area like academic
advising, a school might have achieved a high level in some components, but
not in others. No institution we found was at generation four across the board.”
In addition to its audit services, WCET is helping institutions toward the
generation four goal by making available information about best practices. It
is not always easy to find out what really works. “One of the challenges in
schools learning from one another,” says Shea, “is that some of the more sophisticated
services are behind firewalls, so it is hard to see what other schools are doing.”
Through its own Web site and through the EduTools project (,
WCET provides guidelines, streaming videos, Web casts, PowerPoint slides, and
other resources for improving and fine-tuning student service efforts in many
Proprietary Often Means Student-Centered
SIS lessons learned in the distance education market have proven valuable to
all kinds of institutions. In the same way, techniques developed by proprietary
schools are now being scrutinized by traditional institutions. Mahendran Jawaharlal,
who spent years as a top executive in the traditional higher education software
arena, is now the President of Campus Management Corp. (,
which has recently started to expand beyond its original heavy focus on proprietary
and career schools.
“Things have traditionally been much more competitive in the for-profit world,”
says Jawaharlal. “We have to make things easy to do, and fast. Our platform
[CampusVue] is built on the idea of getting students in the door and in a seat
quickly, so they can start learning.” Retention is also an important part of
the for-profit model, which demands a highly predictable model of student enrollment.
To achieve this focus, CampusVue allows students to apply for admission, secure
financial aid, and register for courses online. Specialists can help with transfer
credit and financial aid problems, aided by tight integration with call-center
technology, third-party financial aid services, and online chat.
Students can order books and supplies online via Campus Management’s partner,
Ambassador College Bookstores.
An alert can be triggered to an admissions counselor if a student hasn’t ordered
any books, revealing how a personalized approach to retention and enrollment
is at the heart of the system. Because the students, schools, and bookstore
are linked in real time, the students get their books faster, even if they change
Job placement is an important success gauge for proprietary schools, so career
services are tightly integrated into CampusVue. Potential employers can add
job offerings from within the portal and find matches with students who have
posted their qualifications through the placement office.
Jawaharlal and Campus Management are betting that their student-centered approach,
honed in the proprietary market, will now prove attractive to traditional institutions
that want to stress personalized student services. They may be right; time—and
the students— will tell.