Desire2Learn Releases Capture 7.1
Desire2Learn formally launched Capture 7.1 Wednesday, bringing to the lecture capture system full integration with version 9.4 of the Desire2Learn Learning Suite, released about a week ago.
Capture is D2L's lecture capture and portal solution. Capture is a family of lecture capture hardware and software systems that includes Capture Station, Capture Software, and Capture Portal.
Capture Station is a turnkey capture and webcasting system, while Capture Software is a software alternative that runs on Windows-based systems. They're designed to capture all aspects of an in-room presentation, including video and audio of the speaker, projected images, material displayed on a desktop screen, and images from document cameras. Captures can be streamed live and also posted online for viewing on demand. Capture Portal is a Web-based rich media repository that incorporates a player for end users, plus various management and post-production capabilities.
The new 7.1 release includes integration with Learning Environment, allowing users to embed rich media into portfolios and courses. It can also operate as a standalone solution or be integrated with third-party LMSes.

A sample of a live CaptureCast session |
Version 7.1 also includes:
- The ability to control access to captured sessions at the user and course level;
- SIngle sign-on in the Learning Environment;
- Tracking of views within the Learning Environment; and
- Support for date range restrictions on links (allowing links to expire after a set period of time).
Desire2Learn Capture 7.1 and Learning Suite 9.4 are available now. Additional details can be found on Desire2Learn's site.