Top 7 Campus Technology Stories in June

From gamification to makerspaces, here's what was trending on our website last month.

1) 12 Tips for Gamifying a Course
Experts share their best advice for incorporating digital games in the college classroom.

2) Designing Learning Spaces for Innovation
How do you go about creating a space to support collaboration, creative problem-solving and innovation? Two institutions share their experiences.

3) Behind the Scenes of a Makerspace
The Rutgers University Makerspace has become a hub of creativity on campus. Here's how it manages operations, equipment, projects and more.

4) What a Microsoft-Owned LinkedIn Means for Education
The planned acquisition of LinkedIn by Microsoft could either sound the death knell for colleges and universities put out of business by the coming "competency marketplace," or it could help schools raise their retention and graduation rates, thereby ensuring their long-term success.

5) 38 Colleges to Drop Traditional Textbooks in Favor of OER in New Degree Programs
The OER Degree Initiative will create degree programs that utilize openly licensed learning materials, eliminating the purchase of expensive textbooks and saving community college students thousands of dollars.

6) 10 Best Online Schools and Resources for Students with Disabilities
A new guide from OnlineSchoolsCenter ranks the top 10 disability-friendly schools and offers guidance to students with disabilities.

7) The Ever-Changing CIO Job Description
Longtime chief information officers reflect on how their day-to-day activities have changed and what skills are most important for today's IT leaders.

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].
