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Blackboard Expands Ally Accessibility Tool to D2L Brightspace

Blackboard Ally

Blackboard's Ally accessibility solution is now available for D2L's Brightspace learning management system. With this latest integration, Blackboard Ally is now available for all of the most-used LMS platforms in the U.S. higher ed market, including Blackboard Learn (Original or Ultra experience), Blackboard Open LMS, Canvas and Moodle.

Blackboard Ally automatically checks for accessibility issues in course materials, generates alternative accessible formats (including mobile-friendly HTML, audio, ePub, electronic Braille and a translated version), and supplies reporting on the state of content accessibility at the course and institution level. The tool also provides instructors with guidance on how to make their course materials more accessible.

"We're thrilled to expand the number of institutions and learners who have access to Blackboard Ally," said Nicolaas Matthijs, product director for Blackboard Ally, in a statement. "Our vision has always been to work across the different LMS solutions and make Ally available to as many students and institutions as possible. We're looking forward to expanding our community with new institutions who share our commitment to improving the quality of the educational experience for all students."

For more information, visit the Blackboard site.

About the Author

Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology, THE Journal, and Spaces4Learning. She can be reached at [email protected].

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