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COVID-19: Impact on Higher Education and Ed Tech

Here you'll find our coverage on the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on higher education institutions.

Changing the Landscape: Should Higher Ed Build Classrooms Outdoors?

Outdoor spaces have been a boon to the continuity of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering a solution to safety and social distancing concerns. But they also hold potential for new pedagogical approaches that can improve the student experience. 

New CT Leadership Summit: Innovation in IT

In this one-day event, education and IT leaders will share how they are planning for the unexpected, identifying efficiencies and utilizing technology to help their institutions excel in these challenging times.

Notebooks Driving Growth in Computing Devices as Tablets Decline

The computing device market is seeing slower-than-expected growth this year, owing largely to shortages caused by the public policy response to the pandemic. Nevertheless, overall growth in 2021 will be positive, according to a new report. However, that growth will continue to slow through 2025, with tablets actually going seeing negative growth. Education is one of the positive drivers.

5 Ideas to Soothe IT Staff Burnout

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the mental health of students, faculty and staff alike. But IT in particular has borne the brunt of keeping institutions' technology infrastructure afloat through relentless change, often in the face of budget cuts and staffing shortages. Here are ways to help mitigate stress and better support IT teams during this challenging time.

Pandemic Drives Career Shifts

A new study of data generated by an education platform has found that college students and other adults spent at least some of the pandemic rethinking their career plans.

New CT Leadership Summit Explores Data Practices that Drive Student Success

In this one-day event, education and IT leaders will share their insights and best practices for making meaningful use of data now and building a data strategy for the future.

How the Pandemic Changed Higher Ed's Priorities for Online Learning

When a recent survey asked higher education leaders if the pivot to remote learning during the pandemic changed their institution's priorities, the majority of respondents (53 percent) said yes.

How Tech Is Keeping California State University's Student Success Goals in Sight

In 2015, California State University launched Graduation Initiative 2025, an ambitious plan to increase graduation rates and eliminate equity gaps in degree completion across the system’s 23 campuses. Then halfway through that work, COVID hit — and all those student supports and services had to shift online. We find out how CSU kept students on track despite the challenges of the pandemic, the technologies and infrastructure that were needed to support students remotely, and what will remain in place going forward.

How Institutions Met Student Needs During the Pandemic

Online student support became a key issue for higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their top priority: providing academic support services such as tutoring or academic advising, according to the 2021 Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) report.

Procurement Moves Online as a Result of Pandemic

Across all sectors, including K–12 and higher education, procurement is making a big shift toward online, propelled in large part by the pandemic. Some 85 percent of organizations report they pushed more of their procurement to digital as a direct result of the pandemic, and 96 percent of those expect to continue doing so beyond the pandemic, according to a report released this week.