High-Performance Computing

New Supercomputer Will Power Education and Research Across Oklahoma

A new supercomputer at the University of Central Oklahoma will support education and research across the state.

Carnegie Mellon's Poker-Playing AI Loses Tournament

Claudico, an artificial intelligence (AI) program created at Carnegie Mellon University finished in second-to-last place in the "Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence" exhibition tournament that began on April 24 at Rivers Casino in Pennsylvania, but the difference in score is not large enough to be statistically significant, according to information from the university.

U Arkansas Acquires SDSC's Trestles Supercomputer

The University of Arkansas is the proud new owner of a supercomputer featuring 256 servers, 16.4 terabytes of memory, a processing speed of 79 teraFLOPs and 8,192 processing cores.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Upgrades Network

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center has implemented secure private network connections to eight colleges and universities.

A Data Commons for Scientific Discovery

A Data Commons for Scientific Discovery

The Open Cloud Consortium is working to meet the collaboration and data-management needs of multi-institution big data projects.

San Diego Supercomputer Center Opens Internship Program for High School Students

The San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego is now accepting applications for the 2015 SDSC Research Experience for High School Students summer program, which runs from June 22 to August 14 at SDSC.

University Teams To Vie for Supercomputing Championship

Eleven teams from around the world will participate in the HPCAC-ISC 2015 Student Cluster Competition.

Indiana U To Build NSF-Funded Cloud for Science and Engineering Research

Indiana University's Pervasive Technology Institute is building a new cloud environment that will provide on-demand computing and data analysis resources for science and engineering research.

U Victoria, U Michigan Partner on HPC for High Energy Physics Research

Physicists at the University of Michigan and the University of Victoria in Canada have implemented a multi-site supercomputing project to help them share massive volumes of data with the CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland and 100 computing centers around the world.

Earth Science Project To Consume 83 Million Processor Hours

Scientists from seven institutions will be consuming 83 million processor hours from a supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory to better understand why astronomical bodies, including the Earth, generate self-sustaining, large-scale magnetic fields.