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STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Remote Access Software Enables Online Lab Work

Keysight Technologies has introduced PathWave Lab Operation for Remote Learning, a remote access solution designed for online learning that enables the remote setup of instrument labs.

$3M Grant to Bolster MSI Cyberinfrastructure, PD Opportunities

A $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation will enable minority-serving institutions to bolster their cyberinfrastructure and open up STEM professional development opportunities.

New College-Business Partnership to Boost Hispanic Students' STEM Aspirations

California's San Jose City College (SJCC) has teamed up with the Hispanic IT Executive Council (HITEC) to address the challenges Hispanic students have in staying with and graduating from college and forging good careers in the technology segment.

Creating an Innovation Space to Solve Real-World Problems

James Madison University's JMU X-Labs goes beyond making, encouraging students to tackle transdisciplinary challenges through collaboration, creativity and technology.

NSF Grant to Help UC Davis Build STEM Camp Program for Black/African-American Girls

A California University has just received a $2.4 million grant to draw Black and African American girls into robotics and engineering. The funding from the National Science Foundation will enable the University of California Davis to do outreach through its Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM).

Universities Partner on Industry-Focused Research Center

With the goal of boosting engineering research in the United States, Oakland University, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville have joined forces to build a collaborative research center focused on composite and hybrid materials interfacing.

University Looks to Increase STEM Diversity with eSports

Tennessee State University will open an Academic eSports Center this fall with the aim of increasing diversity in STEM and STEAM programs. TSU is recognized by the United States Department of Education as one of the currently accredited Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Diversity in Engineering Severely Lagging

While the racial and ethnic makeup of engineering students and professionals has shifted over the last 10 years, progress toward equity has been slow for black and Latinx engineers. In fact, at the current pace of progress, it will take 256 more years to achieve equity for black professionals in engineering if the rate of completion remains the same. That’s one of the findings of a study released this week focused on diversity in engineering, both in education and in the workplace.

Vernier Releases Video Analysis App Update, Physics E-Book

Vernier Software & Technology has released an update to its Video Analysis app and introduced a new accompanying e-book designed for physics classes.

Miami Dade College and IBM Initiative to Support Faculty Training, Next-Gen Skills

Miami Dade College is collaborating with IBM on a spate of workforce development offerings, including expanded faculty training as well as digital courses in areas such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity and quantum computing.