Leveraging Academic Cultures to Sustain Technology Applications in the Campus Community

Gerard L. Hanley, Senior Director of Academic Technology Support in the Office of the Chancellor at California State University and Executive Director of MERLOT (15 Minutes/10.6MB)

Gerard HanleyGerry Hanley shares his insights about how cooperative efforts such as MERLOT support and sustain technology development, and how academic technology strategies can serve both disciplinary and institutional needs.

Interviewed by Judith Boettcher

Judith BoettcherVeteran Web caster Judith Boettcher explored the latest education technology topics with presenters at our Syllabus fall2002 Boston-area conference. A new clip is featured each week on Web Radio.

Listen to the Audio:

Listen to this AudioLeveraging Academic Cultures to Sustain Technology Applications in the Campus Community
Duration 15 Minutes
File Size 10.6MB
