We Have a Plan
Terry Calhoun, Commentator
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)
University of Michigan
In this issue of IT Trends, Princeton Internet Guru Howard
Strauss shares with us his observations based on a 216-year-old
information technology planthe U.S. Constitution.
A Guest Opinion by Howard Strauss
Given that more departments have found it valuable to hire
their own educational technology support staff, larger centralized
servers are being retired, and given that the proliferation
of student-owned computers has reversed the trend of software
delivered by servers, what role is left for a central IT organization?
Insight on the answer to this question may be found in the
preamble of the Constitution of the United States (Sept. 17,
1787). It established some of the functions that a central
government must provide, which are similar to the functions
that a central IT group must continue to provide, even in
the face of a secessionist movement on the part of university
departments that IT groups traditionally supported. Here’s
the preamble and a quick look at its implications to central
IT departments
Students to Pay Settlements for Bootleg File Swapping
Students to Pay Settlements for Bootleg File Swapping Four
college students, one from Princeton, two from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, and one from Michigan Tech, recently
found themselves agreeing to legal payments from $12K to $17K
each over four years. They didn't add to their student loan
debt by choice, they settled out of court with the Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA), which is on a campaign
to stop bootleg file swapping of music
(San Jose Mercury
Aggressive Measures Devised to Fight Music
Meanwhile, the music industry might introduce measures that
"take a more extreme -- and antagonistic -- approach" to solving
the problem of bootleg music swapping. How about a denial
of service attack on a specific dormitory’s network connection?
How about a program that uses the Internet to finds music
files on students' computers and deletes them without asking
first? Or maybe it g'es "easy" and just freezes their computer
for an hour or two?
(The Christian Science Monitor)
Academic Advising Hoax Under Investigation
at Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins University is investigating a series of false
e-mails that went out to incoming freshmen last month as an
April fools hoax, appearing as though they were from the Office
of Academic Advising. The e-mails informed students of (fictitious)
problems with their transcripts or registration. Investigators
linked the e-mails to a foreign ISP address. The Internet
investigation is still ongoing one month later, and is "a
lot more difficult than we had hoped it to be," said John
Bader, the department's assistant dean
(The Johns Hopkins
Bradley U. Students Charged with Online Election
Three students at Bradley University in Peoria, Ill., face
internal judicial charges of tampering with an April 16 online
student election
(The Bradley Scout)
Read more
War Driving in New Hampshire
With obvious implications for colleges and universities,
New Hampshire "House Bill 495 would, experts say, effectively
legalize many forms of what's known as war driving -- motoring
through an inhabited area while scanning for open wireless
access points." The bill "defines an operator's failure to
secure a wireless network as a form of negligence."
Read more
CollegeSource Online:
A virtual library with 24,376 college catalogs in full cover-to-cover,
original page format representing two-year, four-year, graduate,
professional, and international schools
The Urban Universities Portfolio Project (UUPP): A collaboration
among six urban public universities to develop prototype electronic
institutional portfolios. The portfolios capture a shared
description of "urban public university," measures of effectiveness,
and models for documenting learning outcomes
Lockheed Martin Announces $1.1 Million Gift
to Penn State University
Systems integrator Lockheed Martin Management & Data Systems
Inc. announced a five-year, $1.1 million gift to Penn State
University to help fund research and development, diversity
programs, scholarships, fellowships and design excellence
awards. In addition, funds will help Penn State recruit graduate
students in critical technology areas. Lockheed Martin employs
more than 1,000 Penn State graduates throughout the corporation.
During the 2002-03 school year, it hired more entry- level
engineers from Penn State than any other college or university
University of Utah Health Sciences Center Taps
ZixCorp for Secure Mail
The University of Utah Health Sciences Center (UHSC) has
contracted ZixCorp to provide secure e-mail management for
12,000 physicians, students, and staff. The Center is using
Zix Virtual Private Messenger (ZixVPM) for e-mail protection
with encryption and management of inbound and outbound mail
in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA). UHSC is also using ZixPort, an integrated secure
e-messaging portal that mimics the look and feel of the organization's
Web portal
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D'es the USA PATRIOT Act conflict with student privacy protections on your campus?
Microsoft Releases
Customer Preview of Virtual Server Technology
Microsoft released a customer preview of the Virtual Server
technology it acquired from Connectix in February. The virtualization
technology allows users to run multiple instances of operating
systems and workloads on the same server. The new product
will let customers run their legacy NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
workloads while testing new Windows Server 2003 workloads
simultaneously on the same server. Windows Server 2003 was
released on April 24
(Internet Week)
VBrick VBXcast Video
Appliance Named "Best of the Best" at Interop
VBXcast, an MPEG-4 network video appliance made by VBrick
Systems, won the "Best of Interop" grand prize at Networld
+ Interop 2003, the biggest networking trade show of the year.
The new plug-and-play device enables users to send video across
any network. The University of California-Davis, for example,
recently used a single VBXcast appliance to broadcast a seminar
on smallpox vaccinations from the UC Davis Medical Center.
The university streamed the seminar to a worldwide audience
of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. VBXcast
pricing starts at $4,995
Cisco Introduces VoIP Wireless
Phone; Smallest Wireless Phone
Networking giant Cisco unveiled its first voice-over-IP
(VoIP) wireless phone, which is expected to speed adoption
of wireless VoIP. The Cisco 7920 wireless IP phone works with
Cisco's Aironet Wi-Fi access points, allowing users to roam
a campus and remain connected to their desk phone extensions.
The phone will be available in June at a list price of $595.
Cisco also announced the e340 wireless telephone, which it
says is the smallest, lightest VoIP product on the market
Quantum Debuts High-Capacity,
Disk-Based Backup System
Quantum unveiled a disk-based backup appliance, the high-capacity
DX100, which can emulate tape libraries and preserve investments
in tape-based backup and infrastructures while offering features
available only on disk arrays, such as RAID protection and
high-speed data transfer. The DX100 scales to as much as 50
terabytes and can emulate up to 20 tape drives with 1,000
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This week's interview features Betty L. Black
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