Top Reasons Why IT Staff Should Attend Conferences!
Terry Calhoun, Commentator
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)
University of Michigan
Sometimes you have to travel away from home to learn things about home. But travel away from home is threatened right now by the fiscal crisis with which our institutions are coping. (And there's evidence that the crisis may actually be a new way of functioning and will never end.) What d'es this mean for your travel budget? Or are you at an institution where travel has been completely banned, and you have no budget at all? Who's getting to travel anyway? We think it's important, even in this virtual age, for IT staff to experience face-to-face professional development and networking.
So, we've queried some folks on the discussion lists for the American
Society of Association Executives and the University
Web Developers (UWEBD) and have come up with a list of points you can use
to keep or increase your budget for travel and other expenses for IT staff development.
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Notebooks Overcome Desktops
In the information technology realm, students are a little ahead of the rest
of the population, so it comes as no surprise that laptop sales figures for
May 2003 exceeded those of desktops for the first time. LCD monitors also passed
tube-based CRTs in May. This is another indicator that wireless expansion on
campuses must accelerate! (InternetNews.com)
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National Council on Disabilities Says ADA Applies to Web Sites
The National Council on Disabilities recently authored a white paper that
concluded that the Americans with Disabilities Act legislation d'es apply to
Web sites. The paper explains the practical and economic arguments for the law,
and suggests strategies to implement the accessibility principle without disruption
and with benefit to consumers and business alike. (Distance-Educator.com)
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Dartmouth College Provides No-Cost Long Distance for Students
"We finally realized that it was costing us more to do the billing than
it was to make the calls," Dartmouth telecommunications and network services
director Bob Johnson said. He noted that a realistic cost includes the billing
and marketing costs, as well as the costs of enforcing compliance and accounting.
(The Dartmouth Online)
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College Students Got Game
Students are connected and they weave computer gaming into their daily routines,
according to a new study by Pew Internet & American Life. The study says
digital gaming is more of a social activity to current students than was previously
giving it credentials as a medium for communications and community. (PC Magazine)
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SUNY Stony Brook's On-Campus Computer Store Closes
Are campus retail computer stores a dying breed? Competition from online sales
and reduced usage for departmental purchases made the Stony Brook store a losing
proposition—to the tune of losses exceeding $100K in 2002. (The Stony
Brook Statesman)
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Plattsburgh State Computer Fees Increase Significantly
Avoiding a statewide cap on increasing student fees, Pittsburgh State administrators funneled this fee through the student association. It recognizes a need to continue with desktop support for student machines far beyond what is offered at most four-year institutions. (Cardinal Points)
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AskERIC Clearinghouse on Education and Technology
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology is hosted by the Information
Institute of Syracuse at Syracuse University. It is one of 16 clearinghouses
in the ERIC system, and specializes in library and information science and educational
technology. ERIC/IT acquires, selects, catalogs, indexes, and abstracts documents
and journal articles in these subject areas for input into the ERIC Database.
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Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences
The Institute of Education Sciences was created by the Education Sciences Reform
Act of 2002 and is intended to advance the field of education research, making
it more rigorous in support of evidence-based education. The Institute consists
of the National Center for Education Research, the National Center for Education
Statistics, and the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.
Learn more
MIT Calls on Sapient for MIT OpenCourseWare Implementation
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is working with management
and technology consultant Sapient Inc. to launch the initial phases of MIT OpenCourseWare
(OCW), an electronic publishing initiative to promote the open sharing of knowledge
around the world. When complete, MIT OCW will offer educators, students, and
individual learners free access to all MIT course materials online. Sapient's
education practice is providing strategy, program management, technology development,
and implementation, as well as content migration and application management
services, for the initiative.
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Connecticut Community Colleges Seek Uniform Mail Directory
The Connecticut Community College system has chosen MtM Information Technologies
(MtM IT), a network management firm based in Valley Cottage, N.Y., to design
enhancements to the IT environment for 12 campuses serving more than 70,000
students across the state. MtM IT will provide the school system a detailed
design for their future Windows 2000 Active Directory and Exchange 2000 environments.
The Colleges' implementation of Windows 2000 Active Directory and Exchange 2000
will allow the campuses to take advantage of the simplified user management
of Active Directory, and benefit from the reduced overhead associated with administering
this environment.
Learn more
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Are there plans on your campus to deploy TabletPCs for classroom, laboratory, or administrative use?
Datatel Automated Data Exchange with
Department of Ed
Education administrative software developer Datatel Inc. released a financial
aid (FA) module it says performs fully compliant, automated data exchange with
the Department of Education. The solution eliminates time-consuming importing/exporting
processes, the company said. Clients are able to import all Department of Education
data into Datatel's Colleague information management system without first having
to access EdConnect. Schools can export all outbound records (ISIR Corrections,
DL data, etc.) directly to the Department of Education. The module provides
complete security while information is merged with Colleague-based institutional
Learn more
Polycom Delivers Distance Learning
with ClassStation Packages
Polycom Inc., a maker of video and voice conferencing, conference bridges,
and Web collaboration systems, introduced its Education Solutions, composed
of the ViewStation and iPower ClassStation, integrated audio, video, and instructional
multimedia tools that provide a video-enabled classroom in one system. The systems
include features designed for educators, including automatic camera operation,
wireless components, video scalers, and interactive, two-way application sharing.
Learn more
Fidelia Expands Usage of Network Monitoring
Network management software developer Fidelia Inc. recently announced NetVigil
v3.5, with innovations that include the ability to quickly drill down through
the service hierarchy to view the real-time status of the underlying network
infrastructure. Wireless managers can use this functionality to group wireless
tests in a manner relevant to their view of the service delivery, allowing them
to easily determine when wireless services are affected and where problems occur.
Learn more
Adobe Unveils Web Tech Curriculum for Web
Site Building
Adobe Systems has introduced the Adobe Web Tech Curriculum, a yearlong course
that teaches students professional Web site design and development
using Adobe
software. The free, Web-based curriculum offers teachers a
resource that guides
students through the Web design process using a digital workflow.
The curriculum's
digital format also enables teachers and students to access
the curriculum content
from the classroom or at home. The curriculum also complies
with essential academic
requirements from the U.S. Department of Education's Career
Cluster Information
Technology Initiative and the national standards for information
from the National Center for Emerging Technologies, and the
Education Development

Wireless Handheld Computers to Increase Interactivity and
Collaborative Learning
This week's interview features Betty L. Black
Here to Listen

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