IT Trends for Thursday, February 12, 2004

Thursday, February 12, 2004

In This Issue


Terry Calhoun, IT Trends Commentator
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)
University of Michigan

Awareness of Presence – Good or Bad Thing in a Working Tool?

Imagine a professionally successful Baby Boomer who works for a higher education institution and who probably got their start in information technology working with punch cards or early terminals, some of their early work was probably in programming. This is the kind of person who checks their e-mail twice a day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and also checks and answers voice mail on schedule. They earned early on that the best way for them to be productive is to shut out the rest of the world and focus, to concentrate on the task at hand.

This same person is in a position of decision making about whether to support or suppress what may well be the preferred method of communication among Americans who are under the age of 21 – instant messaging? Yikes. That would be like me having the power to decide that amusement parks don’t need roller coaster rides and, in fact, that amusement parks needn’t really even exist, despite the fact that many people enjoy them and that they are a thriving, valid industry.

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College 2003 Distance Learning Revenues Increased 9.67 Percent

According to this report, median enrollment in distance education courses increased by nearly 28 percent and the number of courses offered increased by about 15 percent...
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‘Game Over’ for Oracle's PeopleSoft Bid?

In addition to the PeopleSoft board's recent rejection of the Oracle take-over bid, for which PeopleSoft may have to account to its stockholders later in March, now comes word that the U.S. Justice Department's antitrust division is going to recommend that the deal be blocked...
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Geeks Put the Unsavvy on Alert: Wise Up or Log Off

Backlash! Computer-savvy Internet users are expressing irritation about being the victims of those ‘who should know better’ when it comes to activating e-mail-borne viruses...
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LSU Student Government Drives to Require Laptops

The implications of such a requirement are the same as elsewhere, but it this time the impetus is from student government, which has at least some influence on budget...
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Why Heather Can Write?

The law of unintended consequences pops up again, with the rise of youngsters with outstanding writing skills self-learned in relatively unsupervised online communities...
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Are Jabs at "Operating System Monoculture" Overblown?

Not everyone thinks that the Windows "monoculture" world is particularly or inevitably bad, for security or other reasons...
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Student Creates Unofficial Harvard "Facebook"

Privacy and security issues abound in efforts like these to create flexible,useable online community "enhancers." The student's site is modeled after Friendster...
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Williams Student Creates Small-school Online Dating Service

Students at a tiny rural college have trouble meeting each other? Apparently. Within a week of this service's introduction, 4/5 of the students had signed up for it...
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A Month after Spam Act, Hard to See Any Results

Well, there is some change. One month after the big federal anti-spam legislation was signed into law, spam as a percentage of all e-mail went down from 80 percent to 79 percent...
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Students Catch up with Wireless at U. Maryland

"Mobile at Maryland" (MAM) is just starting to catch on with students. Up to 700 at a time are using wireless, which is available on large parts of the campus...
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Ripples – Research in Electronic Presentation Production

RIPPLES, the Research in Presentation Production for Learning Electronically project is investigating how to most effectively use the World Wide Web and CD/DVD-ROM to deliver lectures and course materials outside of the classroom. Its focus is on asynchronous learning environments in which students proceed at their own pace and are not assumed to be accessing the same material at the same time. Students can access lectures as digital audio or video, synchronized with slides, overheads or other materials...
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U. Buffalo, HP Collaborate on Computational Research

The University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and HP joined orces to deploy infrastructure technology and academic resources for the school’s Center for Computational Research (CCR). As a foundation for bioinformatics and life sciences research, HP and UB are building an open Storage Area Network (SAN) with a capacity of 75-Terabytes. HP Services will help design and deploy the system and will provide onsite support services. In addition, HP is providing funds for a one-year post-doctoral fellowship aimed at implementing a computational and data grid in Western New York.

U. Missouri Deal Streamlines Document Processes

The University of Missouri has chosen a document imaging system from Vision Inc. to streamline its document management and workflow. The University will install the ImageNow solution at all four campuses -- Columbia, Kansas City, Rolla and St. Louis. ImageNow will store and allow instant retrieval of about 50 million scanned documents, images and files per year.

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Roaring Penguin Software's CanIt-PRO anti-spam solution provides campus-wide spam and virus filtering on the server. IT administrators customize the solution, then empower users to opt-in through a simple, theme-able interface. Call today for Education Discounts and a free 20-day evaluation: 613.231.6599.

For more info about CanIt on Campus, click here.


MCP Magazine's TechMentor, April 4-8 in New Orleans, LA

Knowledge Management, presented by the E-Gov Institute April 12-14 in Washington, D.C.

7/18 - 7/22

Events Calendar

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Technical training for every level of experience.
Gain practical solutions to better manage your network at MCP Magazine's TechMentor Conference, April 4-8 in New Orleans. Windows networking, messaging and security experts will lead more than 130 hours of technical training on Windows Server 2003, A/D, Exchange, Group Policies, security, server administration, scripting and more. Register by February 20 and save up to $300.

Click here for details


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How do you support and connect to remote computers? Through:
PC software
an ASP service
server software technology

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RefWorks being Implemented at Minnesota

Licenses are expensive, but the RefWorks software makes it easy for students to compile bibliographies and reference lists. Now the usual questions about what this changes in terms of learning experience are being asked.
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Mycom Group Introduces New E-mail and Virus Filtering Service

Mycom Group, Inc.Cincinnati, Ohio, introduced an e-mail and virus filtering service which includes Web tools that filter and block Spam and viruses. MycomPRO and mailMAX II scan both inbound and outbound e-mail checking for viruses, inappropriate content, pictures, and Spam The filtering service operates on a secure Linux cluster. New features include 60 percent faster processing time, the ability to create users and groups for each domain, greater granularity in Spam filtering, a new user interface, a summary notification option, enhanced queue monitor, and a bypass list for every setting. Address list and bypass list management is available and policy can be controlled by an administrator.

Olin College Service Scans for Empty Washing Machines

At Olin College of Engineering and Worcester Polytechnic, students are trying out a commercial service that lets them find out on the Web which nearby laundry facilities have available, working machines..
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Increasing Quality in Online Instruction
This week's interview features David Starrett Director, Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning, Southeast Missouri State University.

Since 1997, technology institutes at Southeast Missouri State University have helped faculty to use technology effectively. Starrett discusses roles and rewards, assessment, and other issues regarding faculty development.

Click Here to Listen

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New! IT Security Forum

Do you believe viruses (trojans or worms) or spam constitute a threat to your IT infrastructure? How well did you do with MyDOOM?

Join the Forum now!

Exchange ideas about the latest security issues on campus. Moderated by William Dougherty and Ariel Silverstone.

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