News Update March 29, 2005

CT News Update:
An Online Newsletter from Campus Technology


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* CCS Presentation Systems - Specials on NEC projectors!

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* Syllabus2005: Spotlight on Innovation, Integration &


News for Tuesday, March 29, 2005

* Higher Ed Tech Spending Slows; But Wireless Keeps Apace
* Rising Demand Seen for Tech Centers in Campus Libraries
* Music Curriculum Works Well on Web, Says Berklee College
* Baylor Med Center Patients Using E-Clipboard for Check-in
* People: American Public U., Datamark Name New Exec Teams


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Higher Ed Tech Spending Slows; Wireless Keeps Apace

Overall spending on information technology in higher
education is likely to decline again this year, although
spending is still over $5 billion, according to a study
by the Society for College and University Planning,
an organization devoted to gathering data and planning
in higher education.

The report, by Phyllis Grummon, SCUP's director of
planning and education, found that although overall
spending is declining private institutions report an
expected increase of close to 28 percent. In contrast,
public institutions expect a drop of 13 percent in
technology spending. Private institutions report
averaging $553 in technology spending per student,
while publics average only $203.

Grummon’s report concludes that the "productivity
promises of the 1980s have arrived and technology may
not be able to contribute much more to the efficiency
of educational delivery." Also, "public institutions
just can’t afford to keep pouring money into hardware,
especially when they have to reduce technology support
personnel on the payroll," she notes.

Unlike other technology spending, wireless access is
on the rise across the country. Seventy-nine percent
of colleges surveyed recently reported having wireless
networks, up from only 45 percent in 2002. "The
convergence of wireless devices continues to speed up,
as the old Dick Tracey vision of instant access
anywhere has finally come of age," according to the

The report is available for without charge at:

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Rising Demand Seen for Tech Centers in Campus Libraries

Technology centers in academic libraries, often set
up for faculty or specialized students in art or
engineering, are increasingly being used by the
average student, according to a study from Research
and Markets, a commercial market research clearinghouse.
Its study found that students like the option of
borrowing laptops from their library. The libraries
in turn are reporting, "virtually no problems with
theft or even poor maintenance of equipment."

The study was based on interviews with IT directors
and assistant directors of university libraries,
including The Research Libraries Group, Vanderbilt
University, the University of Texas, Lewis & Clark
College, Salt Lake Community College, the University
of Washington, the California Institute of Technology,
Hutchinson Community College, and Australia's Monash

Among its other findings:

-- The availability of laptops in the library d'es not
appear to significantly affect use of other library

-- ebook usage is steadily increasing, especially
among smaller libraries. Increased ease of use, a
focus on downloadable titles rather than special
viewing devices, and an increase in the number of
titles available, has led to the upsurge.

-- More thought needs to be given to the integration
of special collections in to mainstream library
catalogs and how to publicize special collection over
the web, or in partnership with other institutions.

For more information visit

Music Curriculum Works Well on Web, Says Berklee College, the online extension school of
Berklee College of Music, added five online guitar
courses and guitar certificate programs to its online
curriculum. The guitar program, which it says is
particularly well suited to the online medium, is one
of the key drivers in the growth of its online
curriculum, says Berklee. The online extension school
has enrolled 3,000 students in more than 75 countries
since it opened two years ago.

Berklee says its online guitar courses are based on
the same curriculum taught on the physical campus but
incorporate a variety of media-rich technologies
developed specifically for guitar instruction in the
online medium. One of the major benefits of the courses
is the ease at which personal interactions take place
between teachers and among the students, fostering a
powerful community, say Berkee educators.

"We spent a great deal of time exploring the technology
and teaching of online performance-based courses,"
said Debbie Cavalier, dean of continuing education at
Berklee. Students have direct access to their instructor
thorough weekly scheduled chats, which also allow for
lesson discussion between classmates. Additionally,
students upload their assignments as MP3 files to
their instructor for personalized review.


Innovation, flexibility, and cost are the watchwords
on today’s campuses, with administrators, faculty and
students all demanding intelligent solutions that serve
their respective needs. A new micro site from Campus
Technology sponsored by Gateway, "Computing Innovations
on Campus," takes an in-depth look at the cutting edge
technologies that are being implemented at institutions
across the country. Articles, case studies, and resources
keep you current on how other schools are using technology
to address their administrative and academic computing
challenges. Visit "Computing Innovations on Campus," to
learn how some institutions are transforming their
teaching and learning environments with innovative and
cost-effective technologies.

Baylor Med Center Patients Using E-Clipboard for Check-in

Patients at the Sammons Breast Imaging Center at Baylor
University Medical Center can now use a drivers-license
or credit card reader to register, a process that has
cut the process from 12 to three minutes.

Baylor said about 95 percent of the patients who use
the MediKoisk E-Clipboard are happy with it. Also,
the front desk staff has seen a 50 percent increase
in the time available for assisting patients and
focusing on customer service. The center has reduced
paper and printing costs by more than $18,000. And,
the center has reduced the average waiting time for
a next available appointment by one week by seeing
more patients each day.

"The return on investment with wireless e-clipboards
has been astounding so far; we have just scratched the
surface of potential for patient self-service
opportunities," said Randy Fusco, corporate director
of Internet development services and chief architect
for self-service solutions, Baylor Health Care System.
The MediKiosk e-clipboard was developed by Galvanon Inc.

People: American Public U., Datamark Name New Exec Teams

Higher Education platform developer eCollege named Tom
Dearden as chief executive offer and Bob Haimes as
chief operating officer of Datamark, Inc., the
enrollment division of eCollege. Dearden previously
served as president and COO of Datamark, and replaces
Arthur Benjamin. Haimes most recently has served as
senior vice president of corporate strategy for eCollege.

Also, American Public University System, a Charleston,
W.Va-based distance learning institution, named
Katherine Zatz chairwoman of its board of trustees.
The school counts 12,000 online students in the areas
of homeland security, intelligence, criminal justice,
emergency management.

Zatz earned her doctorate in higher and adult education
from Columbia University's Teachers College, and has
more than 20 years of experience in higher education
administration, with a focus on integrating technology.
She was dean of student affairs for Hudson County
Community College, Jersey City, N.J., where she led
efforts to offer online registration and an academic
audit degree system.


Syllabus2005: Spotlight on Innovation, Integration &

Join your colleagues July 24-28 for Syllabus2005 at the
Hollywood Renaissance Hotel and UCLA. You'll benefit from
five days of peer-to-peer learning, leading-edge keynotes
and panels, a day at UCLA with a first-hand view of the latest
education technology, and perspectives on what future industry
trends will bring. All this in a fun and exciting environment
in Southern California. Registration is now open. Complete
details online.
