IT Trends June 30, 2005

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In This Issue


The Supremes Dance Their Way to a Narrow Decision


By Terry Calhoun

What happened? Reports from those who monitor file sharing indicate that Internet traffic was indistinguishable Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from the previous week, so consumer behavior is unchanged. Grokster and StreamCast owners, staff, and investors are in a world of hurt, of course, and lawyers have a new way to earn their hourly fees. Many of us are relieved that the decision was narrow enough to not affect the technology (software and hardware) of file-sharing, just the marketing and the business plans of those who provide services based on it.

I think that lawyers are the real winners, here, but then that’s often the case at the end of any legal action. Read more


Laptop Thefts Overshadow Mobility Strategies

On a college campus, a stolen laptop is usually taken for resale and the theft results in monetary loss for the owner, as well as inconvenience. But there are laptops on campus with sensitive data on them, and the security of those laptops and the data in them is raising concerns about mobile computing. (Computerworld) Read more

Warp Speed for Wireless Networks

Currently and for the next year or so a slough of new, higher-speed wireless technologies are coming out. Since they're competing with each other, those of us who choose to be “pioneers” will feel some pain. (Businessweek) Read more

And Another One (Campus Computer Store) Bites the Dust

The brick and mortar computer store on the campus of the University of Kentucky closes its doors June 30. Now, students, faculty, and staff can purchase hardware from UK’s own “Ebuy” online store and software from “E-academy, a software licensing company that focuses on collegiate and university needs.” (The Kentucky Kernel) Read more

Iowa State IT Departments to Consolidate

The campus' Academic Information Technologies, Administrative Technology Services, Instructional Technology Center and Telecommunications departments are consolidating for efficiency, with no loss of jobs expected, but higher productivity. (Iowa State Daily)
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Web Research: Ten Tips for the Techno-Challenged

We know, we know . . . you don't need any basic information or tips on doing Web research. But you might know someone who d'es--pass this article along! (Tech Learning) Read more


Texas A&M RFID Program to Help Track Uniforms, Parking

The campus is teaming up with GlobeRanger Corporation to put RFID chips in cadet uniforms, to track which cadet gets which uniform. After that's done, they plan to tackle parking--not just enforcement, but a system that will notify people of empty spots and their location. (The Battalion) Read more

Thursday, June 30, 2005

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Simplify PC and Wireless Laptop Printing
Do you have an increasing number of students using their own laptops on campus needing an easy way to print? PrinterOn's Campus Printing System is ideal for use in libraries, computing labs, residences, print centers and common areas, and supports network topologies that are problematic for traditional printing solutions. Read about the technologies and printing solutions that provide value to mobile and wireless users on campus in the whitepaper, "Student Printing in a Mobile Computing Environment," by PrinterOn. Download from the Campus Technology Resource Page.

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Syllabus2005 in Los Angeles, July 24-28, 2005
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Collaboration technologies can extend the classroom and change the ways students and faculty work together.
Collaboration technologies can extend the classroom and change the ways students and faculty work together. How can they help you meet the challenges of a growing and diverse campus community? What are the best collaboration tools for your campus? A special Campus Technology micro site sponsored by Dell provides a resource to make sense of it all. Read about innovative programs, research new products, review case studies, and participate in discussion forums with your peers.

Bookmark this special section, click here.


Future Windows Will Include RSS Support

RSS hasn't caught on with the larger public yet but Microsoft is certain that it will, so it's going to be built in to the next Windows OS, known as Longhorn. (USA Today) Read more

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Syllabus2005: Tracks for Campus Technology Leaders and Innovators
This summer's 12th annual Syllabus Education Technology Conference, July 24-28 in Los Angeles, promises something for every technology leader on campus. Five tracks and more than 50 sessions examine the challenges and issues you face every day, from Teaching with Technology to Instructional Design; High-Tech Tools for Administration, IT and Computing in the Institution, and Institutional Strategies. Join your peers and explore best practices, industry trends and technology solutions. For more information and to register, go to

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