University of Rochester Students Unhappy with Napster
Even though it has a deal with the university, not a
single student at the University of Rochester purchased
even a single tune from Napster during the Fall 2004 semester.
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U Wisconsin System Using a 'Task List' Not a Plan?
The system's ERP development is bogged down, offline
and off budget according to this reporter. And part of
the mix appears to be a system
versus campus dispute. (Channel 3000)
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University of Maryland to Finally Abandon Telnet
Many students, faculty, and staff still use the
creaky old black and white interface for email, but
everyone's moving to a new, more secure email system
as of August 1.
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Penn State IT Staff Garners Kudos in Accreditation Review
Penn State apparently did well on its Middle States
Commission accreditation review, and the Division of
Information Technology Services was singled out for
special acclaim for its work regarding undergraduate
teaching and research.
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