IT Trends :: Thursday, August 17, 2006
New Technology
Wi-Fi for the Masses
Tropos Networks' compact wireless routers can be found in cities across the United States and will soon unwire the Internet for Anaheim and New Orleans residents. Originally a small business, Tropos Networks is now managing major international contracts and dealing in millions of dollars. Read the start-up story about a couple of young guys who ask, "What stops the Internet from being everywhere?"
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Novell and RedSpider Shore Up ID Management at Dutch Colleges
A group of community college IT departments in the Netherlands collaborated to create an identity management solution for higher education institutions. Twelve colleges with over 150,000 staff and students already use the system. RedSpider's president says, "The creation and deletion of accounts and the need to reset forgotten passwords used to occupy one person for five days a week. Now we only need to spend half a day on these tasks – a 90% improvement."…
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City Wi-Fi Network Improves Access
Mad City Broadband is making connectivity ubiquitous in Madison, WI, including in police cars and garbage trucks. One problem: Along State Street, transmission points which obtained power from street lights were set up before finding out that the lights only get power at night…
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Park University Installs Underground Cell Service
Park just completed the Sprint Nextel PCS/IDEN Coverage Project for the Underground Commons and the Park Commercial Underground. The five-year deal calls for Sprint to install their PSC/IDEN service in the Academic Underground Commons, Commercial Underground, and also to enhance the signal strength on the Parkville Campus surface. Sprint will incur all of the expenses for installation of the system and the only cost for Park will be for future expansion coverage projects…
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