mtvU Lineup To Include Search for Fulbright Scholars

mtvU, MTV's college network, unveiled its campus programming lineup for Spring 2007, including a search for the first four mtvU Fulbright scholars and a series called  "Best Film on Campus," to encourage collaboration among young filmmakers. mtvU said its programming is focused on offering "students new tools to effect real world change."

The mtvU-Fulbright program calls for a search for the first Fulbright-mtvU Fellows--up to four college students who will be sponsored to travel abroad for a year and study how "music can serve as a global force for mutual understanding." Once chosen, the four will traverse the planet, "beaming back reports that will are on mtvU and

This project is the first time the prestigious Fulbright Program has held a co-sponsored worldwide U.S. student competition, mtvU noted.

MtvU described another part of its Spring schedule--Best Film on Campus--"a new online farm system for top student filmmakers." will offer student filmmakers a Web platform for uploading short films, collaborating with peers, and competing for recognition.

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About the Author

Paul McCloskey is contributing editor of Syllabus.
