SmartClassroom :: Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Case Study

Turnitin: Fighting Plagiarism and Saving Time at CSUF
By Linda L. Briggs
The plagiarism prevention software called Turnitin from iParadigms LLC, is known for its ability to detect illicit copying; the company says its site now receives some 120,000 papers for review a day. Less well known are additional features that Turnitin has added to its product set that make paper grading and management far easier....

News & Product Updates

GT Prof: Students Learn Better Via iPod Versus Lecture
A Georgia Tech professor has been running an informal experiment to test whether students who listen before class to lectures via their laptops or personal digital assistants perform better on tests....
3 Universities Adopt Trumba for Event Communications
University of Maryland Law School, Taylor University, and William Patterson University have all recently adopted Trumba Corp.'s Trumba Connect technologies to enhance event-based communications on their websites....
East Carolina U Supports Distance Learning with Saba
East Carolina University in Greenville, NC is implementing Saba-Centra Live from software provider Saba to support distance learning through the university's academic outreach program....

Tech Notes

The Drive to Learning Outcomes Management
By Catherine Burdt
Leading colleges and universities are looking for new ways to demonstrate their value to students and stakeholders, with learning outcomes information emerging as a debated—and desired--endpoint. These stakeholders, including current and prospective students, parents and employers, and government bodies and accrediting agencies are increasingly demanding access to learning outcomes and performance management metrics to ensure that their investments are meeting their needs....(Campus Technology)

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Campus Technology 2007
Washington, DC, July 30-August 2, 2007
