Stanford Hosts Language Mash-Up Contest for Web 2.0
- By Paul McCloskey
- 04/16/07
Media X, a Stanford-based community of researchers studying interactive communications and technology, is sponsoring a contest to invent new words and expressions to describe the convolution of information, technology, and ideas that falls under the banner of "Web 2.0."
The "Media leXicography Challenge," according to the sponsors, will "help build the verbal structure and word-mash shortcuts for fun, collaboration, innovation, and productivity in the Web 2.0 world." Or, in a more academic vein: "conversational tools and word-mash shortcuts for interdisciplinary discourse on the intersection of people, technology, and innovation."
Among the entries so far are:
"Story dwelling: a form of narrative where the participant lives the story or experience."
And "mixring, snippets of several songs combined into one for a personalized ring tone."
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About the Author
Paul McCloskey is contributing editor of Syllabus.