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Texas A&M Demo Adapting Lawful Intercept for VoIP

Texas A&M University recently demonstrated how institutions can implement Voice over Internet Protocol communications while complying with federal requirement of Lawful intercept (LI) without expensive adjustments to their current network's infrastructure.

"The university community is concerned that complying with federal LI requirements will be difficult and expensive. Minimizing this difficulty and expense will require innovative work with the best available tools. With a few weeks work, we were able to build a solution that meets the compliance standard for voice intercept. We are still looking into the data collection requirements," Walt Magnussen, Texas A&M's director of telecommunications, said in a prepared statement.

According to Texas A&M, the demonstration "accurately reflected real-world activity, with targets and associates using the network on the move, law enforcement remotely receiving information in their offices and the network elements performing the intercept within the network."

Under a recent ruling by the FCC under the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), all VoIP providers must provide LI access to law enforcement agencies. Any provider connected to the public phone network must comply with new regulations by May 14, 2007.

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