Georgia Tech Workshop To Explore Cell/B.E.

Georgia Tech's College of Computing will host a workshop on the Cell Broadband Engine. The workshop will be held June 18 and 19 and will focus on a wide range of topics, from gaming and home entertainment to high-performance scientific and technical computing.

The two-day event, sponsored by IBM, Sony Home Entertainment, and Toshiba, will include keynotes from Bijan Davari, IBM Fellow and vice president, next generation computing systems and technology; Dominic Mallinson, vice president, U.S. research and development, SCEI; and Yoshio Masubuchi, general manager, Broadband System LSI Development Center, a unit of Toshiba.

Georgia Tech is one of the first universities to deploy a production version of the IBM BladeCenter QS20 server, which is based around the Cell/B.E. processor. Sony uses Cell technology in its Playstation 3 game system. Toshiba provides a development tool for Cell called Cell Reference Set.

"We are very excited to be able to support the growth of this breakthrough technology by bringing some of the top minds in the industry together at Georgia Tech to stimulate discussion about the future of Cell/B.E. technology," said David A. Bader, associate professor and executive director of high-performance computing in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. "The Cell/B.E. processor represents the future of computing using heterogeneous multi-core processors, and we are proud to help drive the continued advancement of computationally-intensive applications that will directly impact the global growth of our industry and evolution of our society."

The workshop will be held at Georgia Tech's Klaus Advanced Computing Building. More information can be found at the link below.

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About the Author

David Nagel is the former editorial director of 1105 Media's Education Group and editor-in-chief of THE Journal, STEAM Universe, and Spaces4Learning. A 30-year publishing veteran, Nagel has led or contributed to dozens of technology, art, marketing, media, and business publications.

He can be reached at [email protected]. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn at .
