Campus Security :: August 10, 2007

Security Spotlight

Hacksaw Cuts Road Warriors
By Doug Gale
How much danger can USB flash drives represent to data security? The portability of these drives is appealing, especially for you road warriors out there who prefer packing your data into your pocket rather than lugging around a computer system everywhere you go. But some USB drives can pose a significant privacy risk, especially if the drive is inserted into a remote system infected with USB Hacksaw, a hack released last year that intentionally copies documents from flash drives and mails them off to a hacker for easy viewing....

Campus Security News

European Union Sponsors Global Malware Study
The European Union has awarded a group of academic and commercial researchers a $7.1 million grant to analyze data on global malware activity and trends, according to Stephano Zanero, a researcher at the Italian university Politecno de Milano, who is helping lead the three-year project....
Penn State Researcher Posts Marine Corps SSNs
A Penn State researcher in June accidentally posted the names and personal data of about 8,400 United States Marines, the university confirmed last week....
Security Student Video Contest Winners Picked
A group of higher education computer security groups announced the winners of a computer security awareness student video contest, which is part of a national awareness campaign to help tighten computer security at colleges and universities....
CMU Student Awarded Best Paper on 'Usable Security'
Sonia Chiasson, a Ph.D. student in computer science at the Human Oriented Technology Lab (HotLab) at Carnegie Mellon University, was awarded the prize for best paper at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) at CMU....
Oxford Study: Public Has False Sense of 'Net Security
A study by Oxford University researchers of Internet usage in the UK shows that the British public generally underestimates the degree to which they are at risk during electronic transactions....
UNC Research: Malware Now a Sophisticated Industry
A study by a criminal justice professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte has found that selling malware has become a sophisticated business supported by advertising, marketing, and support services....
Facebook Becoming Malware Magnet, Experts Warn
Popular college social networking website Facebook attracts thousands of developers wanting to enrich its functionality. But in the process it has become a magnet for malware, according to experts from the security firm VeriSign....
Apple Patches iPhone Bug Found by Hopkins Alum
Apple has issued 48 software patches for a raft of applications, including its hot-selling iPhone and the Web browser Safari (for Windows)....

Coming Up

SEPT. 9-12, 2007
Infosecurity New York 2007
New York, NY
SEPT. 18-21, 2007
26th International Conference on Computer Safety, Security and Reliability (SAFECOMP'2007)
Nuremberg, Germany
SEPT. 24-26, 2007
ESORICS 2007: 12th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
Dresden, Germany
SEPT. 24-26, 2007
IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, and Information Security (CNIS 2007)

Berkeley, CA
NOV. 5-6, 2007
Information Security Decisions Conference 2007

Chicago, IL
NOV. 7-8, 2007
8th Annual Security Conference & Exhibition

Washington, DC

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