Princeton DoIT Digit-Heads Take Hoi Polloi to Lunch
- By Paul McCloskey
- 09/18/07
Princeton University's Office of Information Technology has invited
the public to lunch to meet some of its premier technology researchers
and experts. The idea is to teach them tricks of the
trade--"instruction ... on complex ways technology has helped
scientists make discoveries"--over sandwiches.
Dennis Hood, manager of courseware for the office, will lead off the
series Sept. 19 with an explanation of Blackboard, the university's
course management system. The lunch series will run for 10 sessions and
cover a variety of topics, including the benefits versus risks of
electronic voting machines, how to podcast, tips for buying on eBay,
and how university students programmed a car to drive itself.
"This is a wonderful opportunity for both the faculty and the
university to share with the public what kinds of meaningful research
happens across the street," said Jon Edwards, coordinator of
institutional communications and outreach for the Office of Information
Lorene Lavora, manager of education & outreach services for the
Office of Information Technology, said the lunch series has been a hit.
"At one of our lectures last year, we had at least 85 people," she
said, adding that so far they've logged more than 9 million downloads
of last year's seminars.
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About the Author
Paul McCloskey is contributing editor of Syllabus.