Getting More out of Mobile
- By Jennifer Demski
- 10/01/08
Sure, cellular and handheld devices are quintessential communication tools,
but savvy institutions are getting extra bang for their mobile tech bucks.
technologies to enhance communications on campus, an
added benefit has emerged: increased access to administrative
Take Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3),
where IT Director Marty Christofferson needed to find
a way to make communication between faculty, staff,
and students more instantaneous. TC3 is located in a rural,
mountainous region of upstate New York, just east of the
Finger Lakes; the majority of its students are
commuters, some traveling up to 30
miles to attend classes. An e-mail notifying
a student of an emergency cancellation
or change in schedule would
likely be sent while that individual was
already en route to school.
Like many higher ed institutions,
TC3 turned to mobile technology to
better reach those commuter students
and the campus community.
Already a user of SunGard Higher
Education's web applications, the school partnered
with the company to create
myMobile, an initiative that allows
faculty and staff to send e-mails over
the school's existing SMTP server,
which are then received by standard
cell phones as text messages.
Student contact data are drawn
from TC3's SunGard PowerCampus
system according to criteria
such as class selection, resident/
non-resident, etc., so that messages
can be targeted, for
instance, to students registered for
a particular class. After a successful
beta test with 100 student volunteers, over half of TC3's
3,000 full-time students have opted in to the program.
The clincher: When creating myMobile, Christofferson
also worked with SunGard to adapt the school's existing
web services for a mobile interface,
enabling instant access to vital information over a cell phone
or PDA. Students can check their grades, class schedules,
and campus news, all with real-time updates. The mobile
portal also allows faculty to view class lists, e-mail students,
and check their schedules right on their phones.
"Our mobile web applications are derivatives
of actual PowerCampus Self-Service
web pages," says Christofferson,
explaining that his team modified
existing pages on the
TC3 website to optimize
them for mobile access,
and created a few new
ones specifically for handheld
devices. The mobile
portal has been stripped of
any filler or graphics, making
information easy to view
on a mobile phone's 21/2-inch
screen, as well as ensuring
that info is quick to load over
a wireless connection-- especially
important in a rural
area without 3G capabilities.
Christofferson stresses the
need to keep mobile technology
simple: "We tried to think of
things that people would want
to do while they are on the go,
and busy people do not want to
waste time scrolling and trying
to read a lot of text."
Donor Info to Go
Instantaneous communication and information was also Jill
Jones' goal when she signed on for Agilon's Mobile Access
for Development Officers. As executive
director of development information and donor services
at Illinois State University, Jones wanted to make
sure that her traveling development officers had the most
up-to-date donor information when they stepped into a
meeting with a potential benefactor. The Agilon solution is
a smart phone interface designed specifically for university
development officers, with content focused on four
key information areas: constituent, prospect, giving, and
membership/event. Officers can update prospect proposals
on potential donors, examine demographic details
of donors and alumni, review a donor's giving history, and
more-- with all data linked to Illinois State's Agilon One
development database, and updated in real time.
Using smart phones rather than laptops while on the
road is beneficial in the moments preceding a meeting, but
it also gives associates back at the university an instant
update on the traveling officer's project status. "A development
officer can come out of a meeting, immediately log
in to the system, and file a contact report or designate next
steps," enthuses Jones, pointing out that the system saves
staffers from having to log on to their laptops back at the
hotel after a long day's work.
Jones recently trained the last of her development officers
to use their BlackBerrys as more
than just cell phones; training on Agilon's software, already
in use among the more tech-savvy of her staff, is the next
step. Adopting the new technology in stages has allowed
Jones to troubleshoot without disrupting the whole department.
For example, when the early adopters on her staff
were having difficulty logging on to the Agilon mobile interface,
what was presumed to be a complicated firewall problem
turned out to be a simple fix: using Internet Explorer as the default browser on the phone,
rather than the BlackBerry browser. She now has set Internet
Explorer as the default browser on all the BlackBerrys in
her department, ensuring that the logon process will be
snag-free for her tech-wary associates.
Development officers at Illinois State can use their smart
phones to update prospect proposals on potential
donors, examine demographic details of donors and alumni,
review a donor's giving history, and more, all in real time.
As her staff members become more comfortable with
their handheld devices, Jones anticipates that the mobile
access technology will become second nature for her
school's traveling officers, streamlining department communications
over the next year. "It's so efficient and so
easy. Besides the cost of the devices, I just don't know
why there would be a barrier to moving in this direction."
Controlling Costs
As more faculty and staff rely on their phones to generate
and consume information, colleges and universities are
looking for creative solutions to control cellular plan costs.
In that vein, David Bucciero, director of technical services at
Dartmouth College (NH), teamed with Agito Networks to install a campuswide mobile
network that allows dual-mode phones to switch seamlessly
between cellular signals, campus WiFi signals, and
3G/4G technology, depending on the location of the user.
Via "fixed-to-mobile convergence," Agito's RoamAnywhere
Mobility Router (in conjunction with a little piece of Agito
software downloaded directly to the phone) monitors the
location of an active cellular device and adjusts its signal
accordingly, without any disruption to the call. A single
Agito router can handle up to 1,000 simultaneous cell
phone users, and the included operations software enables
an administrator to track usage, call patterns, and savings.
Like TC3, Dartmouth is located in a rural area; traditional
cellular signals reach less than 50 percent of the indoor and
outdoor locations on campus. Agito's fixed-to-mobile solution
appealed to Bucciero because Dartmouth's buildings
were already 100 percent wireless; installing Agito's router
would require no additional networking. Now, when faculty
and staff use their phones for both calls and data inside a
campus building, they are automatically connected over the
building's wireless signal-- reducing the number of minutes
used on their cellular plans, without relying on the user to
remember to manually switch from a cellular signal to the
wireless network. The system has only been in place at Dartmouth
for a short period of time, but the cost benefit has
been indisputable. With traditional cell coverage, Bucciero's
faculty cell phone costs had ballooned to $20,000 per year.
Since teaming with Agito, Bucciero states, "We're averaging
about 100 cellular minutes per month, per user. We
have 20-plus users walking around with wireless and cellular
coverage-- and it's working for us."