Intelecom Online Resources Network Now Available through Amigos Library Services

Intelecom Intelligent Telecommunications, a producer of curriculum-based academic video for online, distance, and classroom learning, has made its Intelecom Online Resources Network available to members of Amigos Library Services.

Intelecom Online Resources Network is a digital repository of academic video clips for use in online or classroom-based courses. The videos are hosted on the searchable Intelecom network and are available to stream on demand. The network's video collections cover a variety of subject areas, including biology, oceanography, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, health, and environmental sciences. Subscribers can embed the video clips directly into content management systems (CMS), PowerPoint presentations, blogs, and other media.

Colleges and universities that subscribe to Intelecom Online Resources Network will have access to Amigos member discounts and services. "Libraries who take advantage of the discounts available on these resources will provide faculty with an enhancement to their classroom instruction," said Gerrye McEntire, manager of member discount services at Amigos, in a prepared statement.

Features of the Intelecom Online Resources Network include:

  • More than 4,000 closed-captioned video clips;
  • A faculty-friendly search interface;
  • Academic video across a range of core courses and topics;
  • Choice of full or per discipline subscriptions;
  • iPad- and iPhone-friendly video; and
  • Embeddable URLs and video players.

For a 30-day trial of the Intelecom Online Resources Network, contact [email protected]. Further information about Intelecom Online Resources Network is available at

About the Author

Leila Meyer is a technology writer based in British Columbia. She can be reached at [email protected].
