Courseload Joins Non-Profit Readium To Advance EPUB, Open Web Platform
Courseload, a provider of e-textbooks and digital resources for higher education, has joined the Readium Foundation, a non-profit consortium that seeks to advance EPUB and Open Web Platform publishing.
Founded in early 2013, Readium projects include an EPUB rendering engine for browser-based readers, Readium Web, an EPUB rendering engine for native apps, Readium SDK, and ReadiumJS, a Java Script library and viewer for rendering EPUB file from Web sites and cloud readers.
"Through its membership in the Readium Foundation," according to a news release, "Courseload will work alongside fellow members from the global digital publishing industry to develop solutions, such as technologies for the production and delivery of interoperable and accessible digital publications, and incorporate this technology more quickly to accelerate the broad adoption of EPUB and Open Web Platform."
"As we continue to focus on removing barriers to a digital future for higher education that is inclusive of all, we understand the need for collaboration from every aspect of the content ecosystem," said Steve Scott, chief technology officer at Courseload, in a prepared statement. "To that end, we are pleased to join the Readium Foundation and contribute to the goal of an adaptive learning environment that provides greater access and enhanced pedagogy through born-accessible content."
Visit to learn more about the Readium Foundation. More information about Courseload is available at
About the Author
Joshua Bolkan is contributing editor for Campus Technology, THE Journal and STEAM Universe. He can be reached at [email protected].