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Campus Technology Videos

In this resource repository, you'll find important, thought-provoking discussions about the role and direction of technology in helping to fulfill the mission of education. You can also browse videos by topic:

Peer to Peer Learning: Badging in Higher Ed

William Wisser, instructional designer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, explains how badging can help promote student-driven education and the acquisition of skills and experiences.

Disrupting the Cycle of Poverty Through Education and Technology

Western Governors University's Mark Milliron argues that conversations must be created to put learning first and to discuss technology in the context of improving lives.

Making MOOCs Accessible

Eleven percent of postsecondary students in the United States report having a disability. What's higher ed doing to ensure that those students have equal access online learning?

15 Trends Defining the Future of IT in Higher Education

Lev Gonick, CIO and vice president of information services at Case Western Reserve University, explains how campus IT leaders can maintain their position at the vanguard of technology even amid the increasing "secularization" of software and devices.

Technology To Track Learner Outcomes

Three experts reveal new tools and techniques for measuring student outcomes and applying data to help improve retention and other student success factors. Speakers include Scott Helf, CTO and assistant dean of academic informatice in the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Western University of Health Sciences; Gerald Thrush, assistant dean, pre-clinical education, Western University of Health Sciences; and Terence Ma, assistant dean for educational informatics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.