Building Smarts
More than ever before, campuses are turning to technology
to save money on energy and build better buildings.

LET’S FACE IT: Most people don’t need Al Gore to convince them that the Earth’s
environment has been changing significantly in the last few years. Sure, the former vice president and presidential
candidate educated everyone with his 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, but with Hurricane
Katrina, rising temperatures, and shrinking snows atop Kilimanjaro, evidence of something
climatically amiss is all around us. Some call these weird atmospheric events “global warming,” others
a natural “Little Ice Age” cycle; but whatever you call it, the evidence of change is irrefutable. Compounding
the situation, energy costs are higher than ever before. In some states, particularly those in the
northeastern US, energy costs have doubled in the last three or four years. Does this spell disaster for institutions
of higher education? Maybe not: Many colleges and universities are doing their part to react to
these challenges without breaking the bank.
TALK ABOUT YOUR EFFECTIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: In 2002, student groups at the University of California-Berkeley approved the first of several budget appropriations for the installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof of the Martin Luther King Jr.
Student Union. Not long after, an additional $270,000 in funding for the project was
provided by the California Public Utilities Commission. The system was installed in the
fall of 2003.
Today, the 5,000-square-foot PowerGuard installation from PowerLight is capable of generating 59 kilowatts of electricity, operating at peak times
(sunny summer days) when demand for electricity is greatest. The system integrates
the PV cells with R-19 insulated panels, in a modular system that allows for future
Looking forward, the school has plans to expand the rooftop array with an additional
60 panels, say school officials. Even without this expansion, PowerLight estimates that
the system will save $390,000 in electrical utility charges over its lifetime. Considering
that the cost of traditional energy sources continues to rise, the investment looks smarter
every day.
For most, intelligent response involves technology. Schools such as Pennsylvania State University, the
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Adelphi University (NY), Hamilton College (NY), and Fairfield
University (CT) are turning to new technologies and tech products to cut down on energy usage, control
HVAC systems, and save big bucks.
Still other schools, such as the University
of California-Berkeley, have invested
in renewable energy measures (see
“Catching Some Rays,”).
While many of these efforts have
been successful, they are not without
their tests. For instance: How do IT
managers justify capital expenditures
on new tech products, when the goal is
to save money? How do campuses raise
conservation awareness among students
and faculty members? Academic technologists
are compelled to answer questions
like these, but sometimes the
answers aren’t easy ones.
Penn State: Centralizing
Energy Management
At Pennsylvania State University, technologists
have built a comprehensive
energy management system around a
solution called Itron.
Dubbed the Guaranteed Energy Savings
Program (GESP), the effort also incorporates
hardware from building efficiency
vendor Johnson Controls, enterprise resource planning
software from Metasys, and a variety of other
products and technologies.
A CENTRALIZED ENERGY MANAGEMENT system at Penn State allows HVAC, lighting, and security
data from multiple buildings to be interpreted, stored, and commanded in one system.
The $3.4 million project was launched
in 2006; thus far, it involves 50 of 600
buildings on campus. In a nutshell, the
system brings together all of the campus
building automation systems; factors in
outside data about outside temperatures;
and compares this information to
a class roster to determine which classrooms
are occupied, and when. The
goals, according to Energy Program
Engineer Laura Miller, are to improve
efficiency and cut costs.
“We’re trying to get a system that has
all of this information in one place so
that when we do our energy management,
we can go to one source instead of
several different sources,” she says.
“Centralizing these tasks makes it easier
for everyone, not to mention the fact
that it also just makes sense.”
Since implementing the EnergyCAP
solution in 2005, the University
of Alabama at Birmingham has
spotted more than $120,000 in utility
billing errors, and has uncovered a
damaged gas meter, leaky valves,
and recurring double charges on
a sewage account.
In the past, each building was controlled
separately with hardware from
various vendors. Because the hardware
was different in each building, most of
the structures had their own building
automation systems (BAS) that controlled
HVAC, lighting, and security.
These systems made it easy to manage
energy on a building-by-building basis.
Controlling multiple buildings was difficult,
however, since one system didn’t
talk to the others.
The new system eliminates that problem.
By inputting into the Itron solution
BAS information for every building,
BAS data from disparate spots on campus
can be interpreted, stored, and commanded
in one system. Perhaps the most
sophisticated aspect of the system is the
way it interfaces with the school’s
course management system, automatically
powering down lights and computers
when the schedule indicates a
classroom is not in use.
EARLIER THIS YEAR, on Feb. 2, student representatives from environmental organizations at
all eight Ivy League universities urged their institutions to commit to climate neutrality and
reduce their impact on the environment. (Climate neutrality can be achieved through reductions
in greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy generation, or carbon offsets.)
“Our schools have a unique position in society, given their academic and financial
resources,” noted Craig Altemose, a graduate student at the Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University (MA). “They have the potential and responsibility to lead by
This coalition of Ivy League students is specifically calling for their schools to reduce their
own greenhouse gas emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2050. The goal
mirrors expected recommendations of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change for avoiding the worst effects of climate change.
The students’ goals were enumerated in a resolution delivered to each university’s
student government and administration. The resolution first appeared this winter, during
a week of action on global warming called “Rising to the Climate Challenge,” which
included events on more than 575 campuses across the US and Canada.
“It’s all about who is using the building
when,” says Miller, who adds that
hardware currently on the system
includes products from Johnson Controls, Siemens, DeltaV, Square D, and Eaton Cutler-Hammer, to name a few. “This
system also has a built-in alarm,” she
adds, “so if someone is modifying the
schedules, we’ll know about it.”
Penn State officials expect that with
these improved efficiencies, the system
will save the school between $600,000
and $800,000 per year in avoided energy
costs. Miller says that while state-run
institutions usually look for a 15-year
payback on technology investments,
this system has the ability to pay for
itself within five or six years. At a time
when energy costs continue to rise,
those are metrics worth noting.
University of Alabama:
Hunting for Errors
Improvements in energy management
also are afoot at the University of
Alabama at Birmingham, where technologists
have turned to EnergyCAP to achieve similar
results. Here, the system aggregates
and retains utility data for every building
on campus, from 1993 to the present.
The objective: to track trends and
identify billing mistakes that could
cost the institution hundreds of thousands
of dollars a pop.
Specifically, the EnergyCAP system
coordinates five types of data for 284
buildings on campus: electricity, steam,
natural gas, water, and sewer. By tracking
this data over time, the school can
predict how to set its utility budgets for
the coming year. UAB Engineer Kelly
Winnett says that when administrators
factor in current energy rates, they also
can calculate what utility bills should
be, and identify any mistakes in the
billing process.
“The program not only helps us spot
utility company operation errors, but
also helps us detect problems within the
buildings,” says Winnett, noting that the
school’s overall utilities budget is right
around $50 million for the year. With so
much money at stake, the ability to
catch billing mistakes is vital. “It’s like
an insurance policy that we use to make
sure we’re not paying more than we
should be,” she asserts.
Since implementing the EnergyCAP
solution in 2005, UAB has spotted more
than $120,000 in utility billing errors.
The solution also has helped officials
pinpoint a damaged gas meter, leaky
valves, and recurring double charges
on a sewage account. Considering that
the school only spent $50,000 on the
technology, Winnett notes the Energy-
CAP system has paid for itself already—
and then some.
To make sure students, faculty, and
staff members are aware of the effort to
reduce energy costs, the school recently
embarked on an advertising campaign,
Winnett reports. The campaign plays on
UAB’s school colors: green and gold.
Signs imploring constituents to “Think
Green – Save Gold” have been affixed
to campus vehicles. So far, at least
according to the engineer, the advertisements
have worked.
“Energy costs trickle down to students
in the form of higher tuition and
fees,” she says. “The more we can help
raise awareness across campus that
we’re striving to conserve energy, the
better off we all will be.”
Adelphi University:
Encouraging Shutdowns
Technologists at Adelphi University
have turned to similar tools to control
the amount of energy used in their computer
labs: A program called Drive-
Shield (from Centurion Technologies) shuts down
computers every night at a predetermined
At Adelphi University, machines
in the campus computer labs were
wasting 2,520,000 watts of power
every night, until software was
installed to automatically shut down
the computers at 11 pm. The school
now saves $9,000 of ‘found’ money
each month, or $108,000 each year.
According to CIO Jack Chen, the
business case for this product was compelling.
The school has nearly 700 computers
in labs across campus, he reports,
with machines each averaging 300 watts
per hour while idle. Throw in energy
usage from monitors, he adds (roughly
150 watts per hour), and all told, the
campus computer labs were wasting
315,000 watts of power each hour or
2,520,000 watts over the course of an
eight-hour night.

ON THE HORIZON for Adelphi: Interfacing its DriveShield program with a course schedule, to predict
lab usage over time and shut down computers one hour after the last class ends each day.
Chen realized that shutting down the
machines would save big bucks, so he
bought DriveShield last year, installed it
on each machine and programmed the
software to automatically shut down
computers at 11 pm. With electricity in
that region at 13 cents per kilowatt
hour, shutting down the machines for
eight hours now saves about $327.60
each night, $9,000 each month, and
$108,000 annually.
“It’s amazing when you think about
how much we’re saving just by shutting
these things off each night,” Chen says.
“People forget how much energy computers
use when they’re just sitting there
waiting for someone to use them.”
Down the road, he adds, the school
will look into expanding the shutdown
program to determine which computers
can be shut down even earlier in the
evening. To accomplish this, he says, the
school will need to interface the Drive-
Shield program with a course schedule
to predict lab usage over time. Ultimately,
he says, the goal will be to shut
down computers exactly one hour after
the last class has ended.
Another project on the horizon is an
effort to minimize printing costs and the
energy required to power campus printers.
The school is investigating the use
of Pcounter software from AND Technologies,
to limit to 500 the number of pages students
can print per semester. Once students
exceed this amount, they would
have to pay 5 cents per page. Expected
savings: $25,000 per year in toner and
paper alone.
“Printing is a big expense,” says
Chen, who notes that expected savings
wouldn’t even account for the money
saved by reducing energy usage across
the board. “Some savings here, some
savings there—all of a sudden, you’ve
saved quite a bit.” And such savings—as
most CIOs know—can mean newfound
funding for other initiatives previously
unable to get off the planning board.
Hamilton College and
Fairfield U: Innovative HVAC
While Adelphi has highlighted energy
reduction as a strategic goal for 2007,
the school also is investigating a new
geothermal heating system to reduce
HVAC costs. But Adelphi is not alone in
this quest. At schools across the nation,
IT and facilities management departments
are collaborating on similar technologies
that harness natural climactic
conditions and existing energy sources
to achieve savings in the areas of heating,
ventilation, and air-conditioning,
as well.
IT and facilities management pros at
Hamilton College, for instance, recently
compiled a number of technologies to
comprise a web-based interface that
managers at the school now use to control
the school’s HVAC system. The
solution, which launched in May,
incorporates software and hardware
from vendors such as Siemens, Saia, and Hansa, to name only a few.
While thermostats in individual classrooms report temperature in those
spaces, and sensors determine when the
rooms become occupied, behind the
scenes the new system “finds” natural
alternatives to heat and cool the rooms
accordingly. Steve Bellona, associate
vice president for facilities and planning,
explains that to minimize waste,
the solution takes advantage of chilly
outside air to provide cooling, for
instance, or recaptures the heat created
from burning natural gas and works it
back into the system.

AT FAIRFIELD U, a new turbine powered by natural gas provides electricity to the campus; engineers
recently completed a system that captures heat from the process, powering the school’s HVAC system.
“We see this as a ‘closed-loop system’
approach to heating and cooling, as
opposed to a ‘component approach’ that
treats every building and classroom like
its own spot,” he says. “At the end of the
day, we’re trying to use technology to
harness nature and get the most out of
what we have so that we can save money
down the road.”
Bellona says it’s still too early to
determine exactly how much the system
cost, but he notes that each Siemens
thermostat cost roughly $1,000, and that
the school will own 24 of the devices by
the end of next year. Down the road, he
says, Hamilton expects to save between
$15,000 and $20,000 annually from
reduced reliance on natural gas and
electricity—figures that suggest the
technology could pay for itself in a
matter of years.
Similar innovative approaches are
underway at Fairfield University, where
technologists have teamed up with the
school’s facilities management team to
oversee a new heat and power project.
At the heart of the project is a brand new
turbine powered by natural gas.
While the turbine itself provides electricity
to the campus, engineers recently
completed a system that captures heat
from the process, powering the school’s
HVAC system.
The new, $9.5 million system was
rolled out in June. Ric Taylor, former
associate vice president for campus
planning and operations (Taylor resigned
this year after 20 years of service at
Fairfield), says that over time, the system
will provide about 67 percent of the
campus’ fossil fuel energy requirements.
He adds that with rejected heat
used for heating and cooling, boilers
will run far less frequently, and unhealthy
air emissions on the campus actually
will decrease.
“According to studies, our sulfur
oxide levels will drop 96 percent and
our nitrogen oxide will drop 17 percent,”
he says, adding that “those two
compounds are principal components of
acid rain. It’s not often in this business
that you can say investments in technology
will reduce your emissions.”
At a time when energy costs in New
England continue to rise, the school will
enjoy other savings, as well. Overall,
Taylor notes that the system will reduce
annual energy costs by roughly $2.2
million, bringing the budget back to
2005 levels. Coupled with $2.3 million
in state grants and $1 million in cost
abatements from the local gas company,
the investment should pay for itself in
two to three years.
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