Digital Course Materials

Here you'll find articles detailing new developments in the area of e-textbooks, open educational resources and other digital course materials, along with stories about institutions adopting them.

faculty awareness of OER

Faculty Awareness of OER Has Increased for 5 Years Straight, Yet Adoption Is Flat

In higher education, faculty awareness of open educational resources — course materials that are freely available for use, reuse, adaptation and sharing — has grown for the fifth straight year, according to a study by Bay View Analytics.

National U Tackles Textbook Affordability

California's National University, a nonprofit institution serving adult learners, educators and veterans, is ramping up its textbook affordability initiative to offer students better pricing as well as expanded purchasing choices for course materials.

Majority of UMBC Students Respond Positively to OER

A recent student survey on the use of open educational resources at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County garnered positive responses from the majority of respondents, who reported engaging with the low- or zero-cost digital course materials and homework tools.

OpenStax Expands OER Content Within Tutor Platform

Rice University's OpenStax has added additional titles from its line of open education resources to its tutoring application, along with new functionality.

Library of Congress Digitizes Presidential Collections

The world's largest library, the Library of Congress, has digitized the collections of papers from 23 early presidents, from George Washington to Calvin Coolidge. The work has taken nearly two decades of effort, and the results — 3.3 million images — are openly available online.

Saddleback College Reaches 15 Zero-Textbook-Cost Programs

California's Saddleback College is up to 15 zero textbook cost (ZTC) pathways. These are full degree or certificate programs that have no textbook-related costs or fees for online materials, though some classes may require students to buy essentials, such as safety goggles or calculators.

Department of Ed Releases App Process for Open Textbook Pilot Grants

A federal higher education open textbook pilot program is kicking off after a public-comment period that ended in April. The U.S. Department of Education recently published details about how to apply for funding in the Federal Register. Consortia of colleges and universities are being invited to develop programs to produce open educational resources under grants that will range in size from $500,000 to $2 million.

MassBay CC Doubles Use of OER

A community college in Massachusetts reported that it has doubled the use of free or open educational resources over the last year. Seventy-four courses at Massachusetts Bay Community College have adopted OER as way to make classes more affordable.

OpenStax textbooks

OpenStax to Double Its Textbook Library

Rice University's OpenStax open educational resources initiative has announced plans to grow its library of free textbooks from its current selection of 42 books to nearly 90 titles.

U Phoenix E-Textbook Pilot Improves Adult Math Engagement

A pilot at the University of Phoenix found that a well-designed interactive textbook can help people stick with their math studies. The university worked with zyBooks from John Wiley & Sons in a two-course undergraduate sequence on quantitative reasoning.