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STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

ThriveDX Announces Enterprise Solutions Partnerships to Train Cybersecurity Professionals

Cybersecurity education provider ThriveDX has announced its new partnership initiative, Enterprise Solutions, to train tech students from the "classroom to the boardroom" to fill high-paying and in-demand cybersecurity jobs in the global workforce and to increase diversity and inclusion across the industry.

SXSW EDU Releases Preview of Lineup for 2023; Emphases Include Diversity, Equity, Student Agency

SXSW EDU recently unveiled nearly half of the lineup for its 2023 event scheduled for March 6–9, 2023, in Austin, featuring topics considered the most pressing in education, the organization said.

University of Central Florida and SkillStorm Partner to Expand Access to Tech Credential Courses

Research school University of Central Florida (UCF) has announced a partnership with SkillStorm to make courses available that will qualify students to earn the credentials necessary to work for major tech employers.

2U Introduces edX Boot Camps

Online learning company 2U has moved its boot camp offerings to the edX brand with the introduction of edX Boot Camps, intensive technology training programs designed to meet the upskilling and reskilling needs of working adults.

IBM Partners with Hispanic Heritage Foundation to Provide Latinos with Free Technology Skills

The Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) has announced a collaboration with IBM Education to provide IBM's SkillsBuild education program to Latino college and high school students, young professionals, and adult learners free of charge, giving them skills they need to meet workforce demands.

Oregon State U Announces $200M Research Complex with Supercomputer for AI, Materials Science, and Robotics

Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis has announced the construction of a $200 million research and education complex that will feature a powerful supercomputer to support research in AI, materials science, and robotics.

Vernier Launches $1,000 Grant Program to Promote STEM Literacy

A new grant program from Vernier Science Education will provide 10 K–12 or college educators with funds this year to promote STEM literacy. Those awarded will receive their choice of $1,000 worth of Vernier technology, an annual license for Vernier Graphical Analysis Pro, and three hours of virtual professional development.

Robotics Education Lagging Behind Demand, Surveys Find

Swiss-based automation technology company ABB announced recently that robotics and automation training are lagging behind increased global demand, according to two surveys it conducted this year on supply chain and education.

IBM to Co-Create Cybersecurity Leadership Centers at 20 HBCUs

IBM is working with 20 historically Black colleges and universities across the country to help establish Cybersecurity Leadership Centers that will provide students and faculty with training and certification resources at no cost.

What We Learned From Quantum Summer School 2022

CT talks with David Stewart, managing director of Purdue's Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, about the directions quantum education is taking as the Quantum Science Center's program planners reflect on this year's Quantum Summer School and look forward to next year.