Technology Enabled Teaching August 3, 2005
Distributed Learning Meets Intellectual Property Policy:
Who Owns What?
By Dr. Veronica Diaz,
Learning Technologies Manager,
Adjunct Professor
University of
The rise of eLearning and technology in higher education—including distance education, digital repositories, and
electronic courseware products—has changed the way faculty
and institutions regard ownership and control of these
materials. A new market exists for products that previously
had little or no commercial value, especially as institutions
become more adept and profitable at delivering and marketing
distributed learning courses and programs. In turn, this has
created a need for higher institutions to revise their existing
intellectual property (IP) policies.
The authority and responsibilities of faculty members in this
digital era regarding how courses are developed, taught, and
maintained are in flux, and many existing institutional policies
fail to address important questions raised in this changing
environment. Distributed learning is vastly different from
what has traditionally been covered with copyright (books,
articles) and brings with it several important areas that must
be addressed to ensure its long-term viability and proliferation.
News & Product Updates
BusinessWeek Surveys Technology Students
Will Bring to Campus This Fall
Bottom line: laptops, printers that fax and scan,
high-definition displays, tinier cameras, photo printers.
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DeVry University Offers Bachelor's Degree Program in
Game and Simulation Programming
DeVry University has introduced a new Bachelor of
Science degree program in game and simulation programming
to its career oriented offerings. DeVry will offer the
eight-term program at its Long Beach, Pomona and West Hills
campuses beginning in March 2006. (TMCnet)
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Maplesoft Partners with Mathematical Association of America
Maplesoft announced a partnership with the Mathematical
Association of America (MAA) to develop a co-branded
electronic placement testing product help colleges and
universities assess students' knowledge of math. The new
Web-based product will replace the MAA's placement tests,
which have been widely used by colleges and universities
across North America.
out more
Princeton's University Channel: Access to a World of Ideas
Princeton calls this a "collection of public affairs lectures,
panels and events from academic institutions all over the world"
and other institutions are invited to submit video coverage for
inclusion. Best of all, it's free to everyone!
out more
Case Study
Addressing On-line Accessibility Issues
at East Carolina University
By Dr. Melissa D. Engleman
Professor, Special Education
East Carolina University
[email protected]
Like many universities, East Carolina University (ECU)
has seen an overwhelming increase in demand for online
courses. As the university that prepares the most
teachers in North Carolina, we have always faced
distance learning issues, but the more than 250
percent increase in online course offerings during
the past five years in the College of Education has
had more impact on our programs than any other factor.
Online credit hour offerings have remained constant,
which means that this increase is from a new recruiting
pool. The convenience of online courses, the “anytime,
anywhere” aspect has put these courses in high demand.
We continue to respond to this growth as a potentially
powerful solution to North Carolina’s certified teacher
shortage. In the rural and remote areas of the state,
online courses make it easier for communities to “grow
their own”, rather than having to recruit teachers from
other areas.
Our graduate student population consists of students between
the ages of 22 and 50. Many have families and jobs. Most live
in poverty zones, and a majority live at least two hours away.
Years of teaching experience for participants in this study
ranged from 0 years to 38. Most participants were within their
first five years of teaching.
Tech Notes
CT Live! at Syllabus2005
Campus Technology reporters interviewed attendees
at this past week's Syllabus2005 Conference. Listen
to audiocast recorded live from the show floor.
Also we have videos of all the keynotes.
Listen and see now!
Reader Response
From the Reader Response Forum
The Wireless Laptop Cart Solution
The University of Rio Grande obtained a Title III federal grant which
allowed them to create two new computer labs, but the rules stated that
they could not actually use the money to create a fixed-station computer
lab. So they decided to create "wireless laptop carts". All
of this happened before I arrived here to work, but it seems that the
wireless laptop cart solution was a good one. – by Munihasen
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