Technology Enabled Teaching September 21, 2005

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Migrating to a New CMS: Read Real Stories about Switching to ANGEL

“Switching to ANGEL was easier than we expected, and we’re glad we did.” It’s common feedback from institutions that switch to ANGEL from other course management systems. ANGEL’s migration tools make switching easy, and the payoff is big – higher adoption rates, tools that save instructors’ time, engaged students. Find out for yourself why ANGEL users are glad they switched.

Click here to read their stories.


Reflection in an Always-On Learning Environment: Has It Been Turned Off?

By Helen L. Chen
Stanford University

Who are the students entering today’s colleges and universities? Sometimes referred to as the Net Generation or Millennials (students born in or after 1982), we know that this is a group that has never known a world without computers and the Internet. The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a study on “Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 year olds” which found that not only are children and teens interacting with media (including TV, videos, music, video games, computers, movies and print) for non-school activities on average 6 hours per day, but a quarter to a third of these students are multi-tasking, and using another form of media while reading, using a computer, or listening to music. Video game designer and writer Marc Prensky uses the metaphor of digital natives vs. digital immigrants to suggest that these kinds of experiences (video game playing, interactions via instant messaging, email, and cell phones, watching MTV) have actually changed the physical structure of digital natives’ brains, how they think, and consequently how they learn.

Educause’s Diana Oblinger describes how the expectations of this generation have implications for all aspects of college life. Faculty and instructors will find the learning styles of these students oriented towards teamwork, experiential activities, and the use of technology such as online discussions or simulations. Institutions must provide students with a campus infrastructure that enables them to be connected anytime and anywhere through cell phones, email, and instant messaging. Administrators and staff must meet a strong expectation for excellent customer service and immediacy with a low tolerance for delays during the admissions process, and in student services and academic advising. The learning environment that students reside in is one that is characterized by multitasking, visual orientation, immediate gratification, and parallel processing.

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Nortel Learning on the Go eSeminar – Hear from Award Winning Campus

Attend Tuesday, October 11th. Coppin State University, 2005 EDUCAUSE Award winner for excellence in networking, will share the secrets of success on how Nortel mobility solutions are enabling new ways of teaching, improved access to university services, and learning-on-demand.

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News & Product Updates

Fifty-one Competencies for Online Instruction

Fifty-one competencies for online instruction ... are shared by Ted Smith and correlated with quality learning outcomes for students. Smith divides the competencies into those needed prior to, during, and after the course has been completed (The Journal of Educators Online)

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SimSchool: The Game of Teaching

SimSchool: The game of teaching ... provides a resource useful for teacher preparation programs. The videogame engages those new to teaching with a variety of virtual students who differ in terms of their strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, and behaviors. Decisions have consequences in this implementation of online gaming (Innovation Online)

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Learning Objects: A Rose By Any Other Name

Is answered in the negative by the Indiana University High School Survey of Student Engagement released August 17th. Even though 83% of respondents indicated they would enroll in postsecondary education, they often spent more time socializing, watching television, or working than preparing for class. (High School Survey of Student Engagement 2005)

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Case Study

ePortfolios Help Clayton State University Assess Student Learning and Program Outcomes

By Martha Wicker,
Director of the Center for Instructional Development,
Clayton State University

Clayton State University’s core mission is to provide superior career-oriented studies that will prepare its students to succeed in the world of work in the 21st century. A member of the Georgia University system with an enrollment of approximately 5,700, Clayton required its students to bring a laptop to campus as early as 1998. Now Clayton is introducing ePortfolios to campus, adding additional value to the students' use of their computers and providing a mechanism to document the outcomes of their education. Currently, we are using the portfolios in our department of Dental Hygiene and In the Department of Teacher Education.

To help assess student learning and program outcomes, the University is using iWebfolio’s electronic portfolio management system in Dental Hygiene and Teacher Education. iWebfolio is a Web-based solution that enables our students to store and present evidentiary files documenting their educational and professional growth in a personalized, flexible portfolio. iWebfolio also helps faculty members, departments, and schools meet institutional and accrediting goals, review student work, and provide feedback. SunGard SCT offers the solution through a strategic alliance with Nuventive.

Sharable assessment of student learning is becoming increasingly important in response to a combination of forces including accreditation guidelines, demands from prospective employers and alumni, and competition for recruitment. Prior to implementing iWebfolio, Clayton State used various forms of portfolios. However, the assorted methods fell short in one way or another. For example, there was not enough structure and the assignments were not linked closely enough to competencies. In contrast, iWebfolio has a reporting capability that helps us match competencies with individual assignments.

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Tech Notes

Katrina Articles and Resources for Campus IT

Campus Technology's coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina includes articles and resources focused on disaster planning and recovery for IT. Read more

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Reader Response

From the Reader Response Forum

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina share experiences, lessons learned, and your opinions on disaster planning and recovery.

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