CA Launches Higher Education Initiative

CA recently announced a new Academic Initiative program for higher education institutions to bring new technology into the classroom. The program is designed for computer science, information systems, software engineering and business courses.

"University of Maryland University College is delighted to be a partner in CA Academic Initiative," said Mary J. Hoferek, program director of database systems technology at UMUC, in a prepared statement. "Our students welcome the opportunity to have hands-on experience supporting their learning of theoretical material. CA is providing management software that will enable our students to be better prepared for their future careers in IT."

Educational institutions that qualify will receive annual membership providing "software, professional courseware, faculty education and technical support for instructional and research purposes," according to CA.

CA academic Initiative membership includes:
  • License rights for select software allowing the installation on lab machines for teaching and research;
  • Curriculum materials including instructor guides, student guides and lab exercises;
  • No charge for enrollment in CA Learning courses;
  • Those taking at least one credit course at the institution can install software on their personal computer for use in course and personal development projects; and
  • Technical support when needed for installation, configuration and basic usage problems.
The membership is currently available in the U.S. and Canada for both publicly and privately funded universities and colleges. According to CA, the institution must lead to "nationally recognized qualifications or levels of academic achievement, accredited by regional or national accrediting council, commission, appropriate government agency, or board of education." Additional information and an application for institutions wishing to apply is available at

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